Vaccination of MMR is immunizing combination addressed to prevent measles, Germany measles (Rubella). This Vaccination pertained the necessary for woman, especially for the prevention of Rubella. Infection Virus of Rubella at woman of pregnancy can cause fetus handicap. Vaccination of MMR passed to woman early on till adult. To woman which is just is given vaccination of MMR prohibited pregnancy during three months. Vaccination of MMR is enough to be given once for a lifetime.
HPV ( Human Papilom Virus)
This Vaccination is passed to woman start age 11 - 25 year. According to research 97% patient of cancer of cervix found by infection of HPV. This Vaccination non vaccination for the cancer of cervix, but with this vaccination, You earn to protect yourself of possibility attacked by virus of HPV able to trigger cancer of cervix. Vaccination given three of times, giving of second vaccination 1 months after first vaccination and vaccination which is third to be given 5 months after second vaccination.
Also read another article about vaccination, thanks ;)
8:58 PM | 0 Comments
Many people believe that influenza is disease which is equal to coughing and ordinary head cold and relative is not dangerous. This big wrong concept, every year millions of people in all the world influenza virus infection, causing thousands of people die its effect of him and definitive millions of your office hours lose.
Symptom disease of influenza is coughing, headache, fever, muscle pain in bone and remarkable fatigue. As comparison, cough and contagious head cold by and possible have is same symptom, but this disease represent lighter respiration infection, its symptom do not heavily and do not as dangerous as disease of influenza. Medication of influenza do not always gratify, antibiotic is not effective fight against virus though can assist in infection and medication of seconder of flu. Way of best possible by vaccination. Proven to Vaccination several times degrade incident of flu or at least lessen degree of its symptom. Vaccination Influenza remain to be method operation of most effective flu. WHO very is recommending of usage of vaccine as effective method of prevention some disease representing disease of have fatal potency to. Proven correct vaccine 70 - 90% effective prevent disease at healthy individual, clipping the expense of medication and surely it’s lessen absence your work.
4:18 AM | 0 Comments
Vitamin and Herbal to keep in good health eye
Used for digestive trouble and also trouble at eye. Active vitamin which sharing anthocyanoside that is one of type of flavonoid. Anthocyanosid antioxidants assisting to improve blood stream capillary small channel of eye, functioning assist eye quickly live within commutation of light and improve durability of eyesight. Drink the supplements of Bilberry with Vitamin of E effective proven pursue fastly of cataract.
Vitamin A
Of vital importance for the durability of eyesight of nocturnal eye as well as playing a part to slow down cataract. Can be got in carrot, red parsnip and chicken liver.
Representing everyday used eye drug at home. Recognized also by the name of Clitorea Linn Ternates. Clean last flower soak in hot water, let to be chilled. Lift flower, use immersion water to clean eye or compress it. Have proven to cool pain eye, tired eye or eye feel heat.
Grape seed
Used for the rotation of peripheral of eye and strengthen capillary small channel of eye.
Omega-3 Fatty Acid
Sour this fat lessen symptom is not balmy which caused by dry eye. Result of research of Harvard Medical School in America. Use 3-6 mg every day.
Representing one types of nutrition carotene. Lutein including beta of carotene and alpha carotene which by body turned into vitamin of a worthwhile to health of eye. Lutein especially there are in high percentage in eye of macula.
3:31 AM | 3 Comments
Secret to be Free of Heart Sickness and Stroke
These questions answered by research by Julia Mbalilaki of Karolinska Institute, Sweden, cooperate with Norwegian and Tanzania scientist. That secret lay in active life style of Masai owning habit walk routinely.
Degree of high physical activity of Masai differs from town’s people and farmer. Activity of Masai need 2.500.000 calorie every day with required energy from someone to walk counted 20 km one day. These matters also causing Masai have small waist circumference and healthy blood fat profile, though animal fat rate in their food very high.
Interest to imitate life style of Masai?
3:16 AM | 0 Comments
Bacterium of Meningococus can cause infection chafe brain membrane. Vaccination of Meningococus passed to them to travel Middle East or African. Vaccine given according to requirement and no side effects.
Yellow Fever
Passed to they to give or obtain cash for religious service at Middle East. Do not bole passed to woman of pregnancy, baby under 6 year natural them and months of degradation of immured system. Vaccination given 10 year once. There no side effects.
Japanese B-Encephalitis
Vaccination able to prevent this brain infection is given for the man who will pay a visit to Japan, Chinese or Korea. Given according to requirement and there no side effects.
More Information about Vaccination please read VACCINATION, WAY TO BE MORE HEALTHY and VACCINATION, WAY TO BE MORE HEALTHY (2)
4:46 AM | 0 Comments
Congratulation gets acquainted with Superbly Food able to protect you from various disease attacks.
Rich of mineral of iron, zinc, vitamin and potassium E. Cereal owning value of GI (Glicemyc Index) low this is very high fiber and lower natrium ( salt). In consequence suited for degrading cholesterol, especially rate of LDL alias virulent cholesterol.
Oats digested slowly, so that can maintain to feel fully filled at the same time control blood sugar rate in order not to leap by drastic. Its content of very low him and very brotherly to digestive health because containing pro biotic which personage bacterium either in in intestine so that prevent constipate, diarrhea, intestine trouble and of hemorrhoid.
Of vital importance to digestion and absorption of other vitamin, useful for the process of liver and kidney, releasing garbage from within body. Water not containing chemical vitamin and additives, in consequence very suggested to drink water counted 8 glass every day. Dehydration (lacking of water) will coagulate your blood, which cause heart and body strive harder and will improve blood pressure, making brain less active, degrading and concentration of energy body. Dehydration also causes headache, dry husk, fatigue, dry eye and mouth, stomach cramps and muscle, and also instability bounce and physical.
Not only containing protein, high quality mineral and vitamin, oily fish like Salmon is best source of fat acid of omega-3. Sour of fat of omega-3 have many benefit to health of heart, metabolism, and brain. Fish of Salmon, and sardine of mackerel rich of fat acid of omega-3 very suggested to be consumed 2-3 times a week.
Yogurt have bacterium content live the so-called pro biotic. this Good bacterium will pursue growth of virulent bacterium, assisting metabolism and digestion of food. Yogurt also very easy permeated by body. Besides is rich of calcium and of protein, so that can be used as alternative substitution of milk to patient of lactose intolerance which cannot digest lactose in milk.
Fruits Type Berry
Fruit Type gives like Strawberry, Blueberry and of Raspberry have content of antioxidants in number more compared to other fruits, consisting of antosianin, and polifenol of carotene. Antioxidant can prevent damage of cell effect of free radical attack, protecting against heart sickness, cancer, radiations and pollution. This rich fruits also of fiber, sour of folat, vitamin of C and E.
11:45 PM | 0 Comments
TT (Tocsin of Tetanus)
Representing vaccination to prevent tetanus infection to woman and men and this vaccination not have side effects. Duration exploiting of this vaccination at school age, before married (bride) and those with hit high risk of tetanus.
Pneumococcon (Influenza)
This Vaccination very good for preventing you of lung infection which because of virus of Pneumococcus. Very suggested to people continue age. But don't be passed to one who is fever. This vaccination have duration only one year.
Hepatitis B
This vaccination can be given to all those good men and women, but not necessary for them that Carrier. Vaccination is done to prevent Hepatitis B infection is not having side effects. Vaccination is done three times the distance from the injection site 1 month the first injection, then 6 months from the second injection. Effect of vaccination is usually survived for 5 years.
Hepatitis A
Vaccination is given to adults, aims to prevent the hepatitis virus is transmitted by the Hepatitis A is spread through food. Vaccination for Hepatitis A is conducted twice a lifetime. Injections carried out in the second period of 6-12 months after the first injection. This vaccination does not have side effects.
Varicellazoster (chickenpox)
Vaccination has side effects, namely a high fever. Vaccination is given to children and adults to prevent chickenpox infection. Should not be given to pregnant women and those with decreased immune system. Is enough given by 2 times for a lifetime. Injections made in the second period of 1-2 months after the first injection.
Typhoid (Typhus)
Vaccination is given to women and men who will be primarily to travel to the region endemic. Vaccination aims to prevent bacterial infection Typhoid. Typhoid Vaccination can be done in a period of 2 years and no side effects.
Those who are potentially exposed to animal bites, and they have been exposed to bite animals such as dogs, monkeys and bats Rabies vaccination must be given to prevent rabies infection. For those who do preventive vaccination as a rabies infection, duration of injection is 7 day after first injection and 28 day after second injection. For those who have been bitten animals, injections is 3 days after the first injection and 7 days after the second injection, 14 days after the third injection and 28 days after the fourth injection with a high fever after injected.
11:35 PM | 0 Comments
Besides to be poured boiling water into and drink, tea in the reality have many usefulness of our which can take. Tea can make cool burnt husk effect of sun sting, assuaging eye fatigue, blackening hair and deodorize feet.
Other benefit is that relieve tired eyes, pain or swelling. Soak two tea bag in hot water and paste in your eyes (closed your eyes) for 20 minutes. Tannin substances in tea will reduce the swelling and ease eye fatigue.
To blacken hair, plunging 3 tea poke in 1 glass contain hot water. Enhancing Rosemary and of Sage each 1 tablespoon, let in last night later then filter. Clean and rinse your hair, after running dry to spray mentioned tea dilution to entire/all wet hair until. Drying hair and don't be rinsed, laboring don't scalp. Use several times until your black hair.
Tea also can to deodorize feet. Eliminating by feet soak into tea condensation. Make tea condensation which jell by soaking some tea poke. Soak foot/feet during 20 minute, feet aroma will lose slowly.
Besides benefit above still many existing benefit in tea, and surely very cheap.
10:17 PM | 0 Comments

Water works to move the minerals, vitamins, protein and vitamin to the other throughout the human body. Approximately 80% human body consists of water. Among the body's organs, blood and the brain is the most high water has a womb. Each organ of vital water contents up to 90% and 95%.
The existence of the blood composition of water that reached 95% as the carrier substance to the entire body of nutrition is very important. Blood has the role of distributing food to all the cells in the body in order not to starve. Brain in the "starvation" because of disruption of supply glucose and oxygen causes a feeling sluggish, tired and may even cause a stroke.
Feeling thirsty triggered by cells that lack of water, if the show actually feel thirsty we've lost 1% of water body. Water also serves as a lubricant joints, joint movements will not be disrupted by pain when people drink enough water. READ MORE...
10:20 PM | 0 Comments
There are two kinds of vaccination, that is active vaccination and passive vaccination. Active vaccination is giving of vaccine with aim to stimulate system impenetrability of body to yield protection to infection. Its way, by including virus or bacterium which have been weakened or killed into body so that owning impenetrability to virus infection or bacteria. One of the active vaccination example is vaccination of Meningococus which stimulating impenetrability of body by including Meningitis bacterium (Chafe brain membrane) which have been killed or weakened. This vaccination passed to one who will travel to endemic natural area of this disease. Its target when Meningitis bacterium charge into in body, You have owned impenetrability and earn protected Meningitis bacterium infection.
Whereas passive vaccination represent vaccination with aim to give impenetrability whereas by giving immured substance into body, like antibody. The example is to inoculation of Ant Tetanus Serum ( ATS) at one who experience of serum or hurt of anti rabies at one who is hit by animal bite.
Yielded impenetrability effect of this two vaccination type even also differs. Active vaccination has longer impenetrability than passive vaccination. Passive vaccination has the character of to give transient impenetrability effect or only going into effect in one short duration.
Way of giving the vaccination all kinds of. There is given vaccine through of oral and given vaccine pass hypodermic. Vaccination by oral, vaccine given by dropped or drinker in the form of tablet. Meanwhile, vaccination pass inoculation or hypodermic [done/conducted] with two ways of, that is inseminated intramuscular and of subcutaneous inseminated under husk. (From various sources)
10:13 PM | 0 Comments
Treatment of face husk with orange can be used to all husk type, but will be more is effective at oily husk face and sensitive. Treatment with neither Orange nor give side effects.
At its applying, initially your face cleaned with made cleaner of honey and yogurts. The materials can lift husk dirt and also pickings of makeup which still patch. After face cleared by honey pickings which patch, dab two cutting fresh orange to surface of face accompanied with massage. Vitamin of C which consists in Orange will be permeated into face husk and can this can assist to tighten husk and also lift again face husk wrinkling.
Final phase, face stickied on with cucumber close over full faced. Cucumber and husk face have same hydrogen level so that very easy adopting into is assorted of treatment. His Obstetrical can refresh and attenuate husk. Suggested to await during one hour after process finish. (From various sources)
10:06 PM | 0 Comments
Many condition cause of stroke, but initially is from ossification of artery of[is so-called arteriosclerosis, that way word of Virgin Brown, MD, head of American Hearth Association. Arteriosclerosis represent effect of modern life style which full of stress, pattern eat highly of fat and less exercise.
Almost 80% stroke can be prevented, that way result of research of The National Stroke Association. Of course there is its exemption, which is if in family there is some one who is hit by stroke, hence this represent risk factor in the form of lineage. There is also enviable factor which often get away from perception of doctor. For the factor of this clan is you cannot do many, even you have high risk get attack of stroke.
Besides there is other factor which have possibility improve risk of stroke, that is Rheumatoid Arthritis and of RLS (Restless Legs Syndrome). According to American College Rheumatology of 67% patient of arthritis rheumatoid have risk hit by compared to bigger stroke of public population. This matter is enabled to chafe suffered by joint patient of arthritis rheumatoid.
According to result of study in Harvard released at 2008 in magazine of Neurology express the existence of relation among RLS, heart sickness and stroke. RLS is disease generating to feel run down excruciatingly (syndromes) at feet exactly its patient moment is sleeping or rest. Research indicate that patient of RLS have risk twofold to hit stroke or heart attack. (From various sources)
5:53 AM | 0 Comments

- Why only at Man? And what that Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer only found at man. Its situation encircle Urethra, channel bringing urine go out from body. Prostate have cells producer of functioning dilution protect and feed cell of sperm. Prostate Gland growing larger below influence of yielded by androgen hormone is testis. This gland will continue to grow reach puberty. Afterward its size measure will be except to fixed man old age. This condition is known as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).
At other condition of prostate cells can grow uncontrollably, referred by condition of cancer. Some risk factor incidence of prostate cancer have succeeded to be identified
- Prostate Cancer very rare happened in age under 40 year but its risk mounts sharply at age above 60 year
- High diet of fat will improve Prostate Cancer risk, whereas rich diet of vegetable and fruit will like watermelon and tomato can degrade it.
- Family history also influences the make-up of Prostate Cancer.
- Can Prostate Cancer cured
Hypodermic therapy of Leuprolide acetate work to depress androgen hormone (hormone required by prostate cancer cells to expand). Giving of hypodermic of Leuprolide acetate each month with dose 3.75 mg can depress activity of prostate cancer equal to 82-89%. READ MORE...
9:39 PM | 0 Comments
Easy Way Take care of Face

Entering age among30 - 40 year its true fearful moment for many woman. In these immeasurable age of factors cause face seen to be fulfilled by paleness so that seen old progressively.
There are some ways of cheap and practical which can be done to interrogate paleness’ of face early.
- Sleep Enough
- Eat Fruit
- Limit Caffeine
- Use Sunscreen
- Avoid smoking
8:45 PM | 0 Comments