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Man Health,

- Why only at Man? And what that Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer only found at man. Its situation encircle Urethra, channel bringing urine go out from body. Prostate have cells producer of functioning dilution protect and feed cell of sperm. Prostate Gland growing larger below influence of yielded by androgen hormone is testis. This gland will continue to grow reach puberty. Afterward its size measure will be except to fixed man old age. This condition is known as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).
At other condition of prostate cells can grow uncontrollably, referred by condition of cancer. Some risk factor incidence of prostate cancer have succeeded to be identified
- Prostate Cancer very rare happened in age under 40 year but its risk mounts sharply at age above 60 year
- High diet of fat will improve Prostate Cancer risk, whereas rich diet of vegetable and fruit will like watermelon and tomato can degrade it.
- Family history also influences the make-up of Prostate Cancer.
- Can Prostate Cancer cured
Hypodermic therapy of Leuprolide acetate work to depress androgen hormone (hormone required by prostate cancer cells to expand). Giving of hypodermic of Leuprolide acetate each month with dose 3.75 mg can depress activity of prostate cancer equal to 82-89%. READ MORE...
9:39 PM | 0 Comments
Easy Way Take care of Face
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Life Style

Entering age among30 - 40 year its true fearful moment for many woman. In these immeasurable age of factors cause face seen to be fulfilled by paleness so that seen old progressively.
There are some ways of cheap and practical which can be done to interrogate paleness’ of face early.
- Sleep Enough
Besides can eliminate eye poke and black circle [at] eye, sleep which enough can become sure cure interrogates paleness’ of face early. Sleep which enough every day make face seen fresh, interrogating seen face fatigue, and also signalize again fascinate face fading.
- Eat Fruit
Nutritious Food in the form of fruits can give potency which both for husk beauty. Become, accustom pattern live with consuming fruit every day.
- Limit Caffeine
Habit consume excessive caffeine can have an in with pattern sleep and also have an in with health of face.
- Use Sunscreen
Functioning Sunscreen protect face of moment sun sting there is activity outside room. So that health of face husk you'd always awake.
- Avoid smoking
Habit smoke to give impact of negative to health of husk, husk will will felt to run dry and black lip.
8:45 PM | 0 Comments
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