Vaccination of MMR is immunizing combination addressed to prevent measles, Germany measles (Rubella). This Vaccination pertained the necessary for woman, especially for the prevention of Rubella. Infection Virus of Rubella at woman of pregnancy can cause fetus handicap. Vaccination of MMR passed to woman early on till adult. To woman which is just is given vaccination of MMR prohibited pregnancy during three months. Vaccination of MMR is enough to be given once for a lifetime.
HPV ( Human Papilom Virus)
This Vaccination is passed to woman start age 11 - 25 year. According to research 97% patient of cancer of cervix found by infection of HPV. This Vaccination non vaccination for the cancer of cervix, but with this vaccination, You earn to protect yourself of possibility attacked by virus of HPV able to trigger cancer of cervix. Vaccination given three of times, giving of second vaccination 1 months after first vaccination and vaccination which is third to be given 5 months after second vaccination.
Also read another article about vaccination, thanks ;)
8:58 PM | 0 Comments
Many people believe that influenza is disease which is equal to coughing and ordinary head cold and relative is not dangerous. This big wrong concept, every year millions of people in all the world influenza virus infection, causing thousands of people die its effect of him and definitive millions of your office hours lose.
Symptom disease of influenza is coughing, headache, fever, muscle pain in bone and remarkable fatigue. As comparison, cough and contagious head cold by and possible have is same symptom, but this disease represent lighter respiration infection, its symptom do not heavily and do not as dangerous as disease of influenza. Medication of influenza do not always gratify, antibiotic is not effective fight against virus though can assist in infection and medication of seconder of flu. Way of best possible by vaccination. Proven to Vaccination several times degrade incident of flu or at least lessen degree of its symptom. Vaccination Influenza remain to be method operation of most effective flu. WHO very is recommending of usage of vaccine as effective method of prevention some disease representing disease of have fatal potency to. Proven correct vaccine 70 - 90% effective prevent disease at healthy individual, clipping the expense of medication and surely it’s lessen absence your work.
4:18 AM | 0 Comments
Vitamin and Herbal to keep in good health eye
Used for digestive trouble and also trouble at eye. Active vitamin which sharing anthocyanoside that is one of type of flavonoid. Anthocyanosid antioxidants assisting to improve blood stream capillary small channel of eye, functioning assist eye quickly live within commutation of light and improve durability of eyesight. Drink the supplements of Bilberry with Vitamin of E effective proven pursue fastly of cataract.
Vitamin A
Of vital importance for the durability of eyesight of nocturnal eye as well as playing a part to slow down cataract. Can be got in carrot, red parsnip and chicken liver.
Representing everyday used eye drug at home. Recognized also by the name of Clitorea Linn Ternates. Clean last flower soak in hot water, let to be chilled. Lift flower, use immersion water to clean eye or compress it. Have proven to cool pain eye, tired eye or eye feel heat.
Grape seed
Used for the rotation of peripheral of eye and strengthen capillary small channel of eye.
Omega-3 Fatty Acid
Sour this fat lessen symptom is not balmy which caused by dry eye. Result of research of Harvard Medical School in America. Use 3-6 mg every day.
Representing one types of nutrition carotene. Lutein including beta of carotene and alpha carotene which by body turned into vitamin of a worthwhile to health of eye. Lutein especially there are in high percentage in eye of macula.
3:31 AM | 3 Comments
Secret to be Free of Heart Sickness and Stroke
These questions answered by research by Julia Mbalilaki of Karolinska Institute, Sweden, cooperate with Norwegian and Tanzania scientist. That secret lay in active life style of Masai owning habit walk routinely.
Degree of high physical activity of Masai differs from town’s people and farmer. Activity of Masai need 2.500.000 calorie every day with required energy from someone to walk counted 20 km one day. These matters also causing Masai have small waist circumference and healthy blood fat profile, though animal fat rate in their food very high.
Interest to imitate life style of Masai?
3:16 AM | 0 Comments