Problem of Infertility at woman and its solution
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Woman Health
Infertility at woman sometimes give the heavy problem of social for her. Problem of infertility at woman sometime make herself excommunicated by family, even can accept inequitable treatment to herself, like divorced.
One of the trouble of system reproduction causing infertility is Endometriosis, estimated in this time 5-10% woman around the world hit by endometriosis, 20-50% among others found at woman of infertility.
What is Endometriosis?
Endometriosis is trouble at system reproduce where membrane network of lender gracious grow outside gracious cavity for example at ovaries channel and ovary or other organ. Symptom of Endometriosis which most commonly is coitus moment pain in bone, menstrual and waist pain in bone under increasing excitement especially at menstruate moment. The symptom happened repeatedly. Other symptom is queasy, and puking of infertility. Existence of endometriosis have to be thought of in each natural fertile age woman of hip pain in bone, especially at previous woman have never experienced of moment pain in bone at menstruate.
How Endometriosis cause Infertility’? And medication how to its?
Endometriosis cause infertility with corking ovaries channel because gracious membrane network growing outside womb, so that impregnation do not happened
Endometriosis needs estrogen hormone to grow, so that handling in general is by depressing estrogen hormone by therapy of endometriosis cover therapy operate on and usage of pregnant drug of Leuprolide Acetate.
8:11 AM | 0 Comments
Life with Asthma?
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Cause of disease of asthma till this second not yet been known so that patient of disease of Asthma take place for a lifetime without can be healed.
Asthma is disease of inflammation, or problems at breath channel, with symptom in the form of stricture of breath channel improving the channel responds to various excitement - start from stress, cigarette smoke, parfum, gasoline till athletics. Most Asthma symptom often is coughing, oppress because tight breath channel and com under pressure in chest. Estimated 300 million earthlings suffer effect of asthma. Some of cause of asthma is allergy, but not all allergies are asthma. So also with history of genetic, not all asthma effect of clan factor.
Asthma is disease of inflammation, or problems at breath channel, with symptom in the form of stricture of breath channel improving the channel responds to various excitement - start from stress, cigarette smoke, parfum, gasoline till athletics. Most Asthma symptom often is coughing, oppress because tight breath channel and com under pressure in chest. Estimated 300 million earthlings suffer effect of asthma. Some of cause of asthma is allergy, but not all allergies are asthma. So also with history of genetic, not all asthma effect of clan factor.
8:01 AM | 0 Comments
Wish slender? Munch the food slowly.
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Life Style
Yesterday I have experience coughs moment eat in a hurry, really inconvenience experience. In the reality habit eat quickly and in a hurry become one of factor cause of body overweight. That way according to research of University of Osaka which is publicized in British Medical Journal.
Researcher in country of Sakura that perceive habit eat about 3000 people (how yes see people so much munch food, sure tire). In the reality from that amount, 84% people would experience of body overweight, and amount him is woman have 2 times fold. Even, they who eat fully filled until in the reality 3 bigger time its possibility experience of body overweight.
According To Prof. Ian Mcdonald of University of Nottingham tell to eat untimely will destroy signal system to inform brain desisting to eat because content bounce up too full of, though process to digest unfinished food.
Hence to prevent to fatness I munch food slowly, isn't it true that that way we also feel more easy going. So also with children to be given Lessons of eating slowly. Hopefully good for ;)
7:57 AM | 0 Comments
Milk is to prevent Breast Cancer?? Its True??
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Healthy Foods,

Milk can be consumed in various forms. There are the fresh or processed form in which, such as milk powder or condensed milk sweet. Humans also consume milk products from food containing milk, such as cheese, ice cream, and yogurt.
However, there are still differences in opinion about the consumption of this milk. There are groups that consumed milk every day is not good for health, especially vascular disease such as blood vessel constriction. Argument is, milk, increase blood cholesterol level is a heart disease risk factors. Second, the positive relationship between milk production average per capita income with death due to heart disease in some countries.
Other groups to support the role of milk in a decrease in the risk of various diseases degeneration, such as heart disease, hypertension, and cancer. Latest research in Norway support this.
Hjartäker together with colleagues from the Institute of Community Medicine, University of Tromso, Norway, published in the International Journal of Cancer, shows that consuming three or more glasses of milk every day can reduce the risk of breast cancer in affected women before menopause.
Through research cohort the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study, they examine the 48,844 women for six years and two months. Consumption of milk was measured with a food consumption history form to the respondent. During this period, the team Hjartäker find 317 cases of breast cancer.
In fact the consumption of milk since childhood negatively associated with breast cancer occurrence at the time they are aged 34-39 years (pramenopause). That means that consume milk since childhood can reduce the risk of breast cancer affected.
Milk consumption in the adult also reduce the risk of breast cancer after corrected by hormonal factors, body mass index, physical activity, and alcohol consumption. Women who do not consumings milk risk breast cancer exposed to 2 times greater than women who consume milk, 3 glasses of milk or more each day.
3:35 AM | 0 Comments
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