Love Without Words
Keeping with the intimacy often say "I Love You" is good, but it is not the only way. According to Scott Haltzman, MD, psychiatrist and author the book The Secrets of Happily Married Men, love can be expressed with the expression of this variety, as quoted Redbook site.Prepare Breakfast Love
Prepare the toast, and the image of the heart smile on bread with jelly. Or make the heart smile garnish with sliced cucumber or tomato in the fried rice, breakfast to your partner. Believe, it will make a pair of love smile to you.
Be Romantic
Place the sheet of paper containing expressions of love written or picture form, the pair pillow. He will leave feeling happy with the bed because the flow of your love.
Care for Him
Prepare a hot water bath or serve a cup of warm tea when the home is on a drizzling night, will make it very comfortable and feel loved still.
Give Appreciation
Many men who complained about the lack of appreciation of what is already done. So, harmless reveal your pride or praise when caring for a husband without the diligent garden, paint the fence itself, or help clean the house.
Message inter communion
Send short messages to be intimate means right now to keep the affection, for example, contains, "I Hear 'You're Beautiful' its James Blunt, so remember you."
Create a hint for
Cheek kiss her husband three times as symbols of the words "I love you" be a faithful wife, the morning. The husband's reply to toot the car three times, each time you want to leave for work. You can make your own creations for intimate love.
Be teaser
According to Scott, cosmetic tool can be used to reveal love. You can put lipstick to create a tattoo, for example, images that seduce arrow below the navel to the bottom direction. Guaranteed, this will make the pair you love. "Remember, man is like a visual," said Scott.
6:42 AM | 0 Comments
Is it true that dreams have meaning???
The dream may not mean anything, but new research found that many people believe dreams contain important truth that is hidden, as is done by Sigmund Freud. Therefore the report that revealed in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, February issue.
"Psychology of experts on the meaning the dream is very diverse," said Carey Morewedge, assistant professor at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. "But our research shows that many people believe, give them a dream-depth view of the meaning of the self and the world," he said.
In six different studies, researchers conducted a survey of almost 1100 people dream about. In one study on the general belief about dreams, Morewedge and co-author Michael Norton, assistant professor at Harvard Business School, conducted a survey to 149 students in the United States, India, and South Korea (South Korea), and interrogate them about the various theories about dreams.
Culture in the third country, the majority of students go on the theory that dreams reveal a hidden truth about themselves and their world, a belief also held by the nationally representative sample the United States, Morewedge.
In another study, Morewedge and colleagues wanted to examine how the dream might affect behavior when people realize. As many as 182 workers who leave the train at the train station prompted Boston imagine that one of the four scenarios that may have occurred on the evening before a scheduled trip to the plane.
"Most people understand that the dream seems impossible to predict the future but that they do not impede the search for meaning in their dreams, whether its normal or weird," he said.
6:31 AM | 0 Comments
Early Menstruation, Menopause Coming Fast
This is not a myth. Menopause is defined as the occurrence of menstruation is not settled after the loss of egg cells usually occur in all women in the age of 50's
But when that time comes earlier, the women need to be careful with the symptoms that come. Period such as this often make women confused, desperate, and the fuss everyone.
Patterns of living such as smoking, often stress, less sleep, often consume fast food meals, spicy and hot food including a hot environment to be triggered more quickly in women during menopause.
Such a pattern of life the higher the performance of the brain. In fact the higher the performance of the brain, such as female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone produced egg cells (primordial follicle) more and more produced.
In the women's overall reproductive average 400 follicle are primordial, which are already at the baby. Egg cell and the new exit after reaching menstruates first. The adult female and a little more egg cells are produced.
Early menstruation period, who came to the child under the age of 12. To prevent the unwanted, it is recommended to parents for each examined the child to the doctor.
If it has been estimated that such deviation occurs in the body of the child. Probable tumor or the like.
In fact, menstruation can not be stopped. All going natural. Therefore, before the parents come menstruation must be physically and mentally prepare the child for them. "It is better before they came menstruation. Provide knowledge about menstruation.
6:00 AM | 0 Comments
Stress can occur in children
Children are still vulnerable because the stress is very dependent on the adults around him and has not been too defense mechanisms have a strong spirit as adults.
Therefore, they need protection from the very adults to environmental pressures that can lead to stress and prevent the development of one's soul.
Opinion that children may not have a problem, so avoid stress is not right. In fact, often it is said, the children even more vulnerable than adults stress.
Stress is the pressure felt by individuals as a manifestation of fear and feeling unsafe. If someone feels threatened, either physical or psychological, such as threatened will be killed, lost their jobs, and left those who loved to go, he will feel anxious and tense. This is the pressure that cause stress.
Stress on the stage that can be reasonably motivate children so that both academic achievement and in other fields such as sports or the arts. However, excessive stress that would negatively impact the lives of children.
Stress in children can be caused by not feeling safe or the emergence of a threatening situation, either from family, school environment, and social environment. From the family environment, for example, children who get a new brother, so all attention shifted from himself to a baby brother, the child is too often guilt ed, and the parents separated in a way that is not good.
From the school environment, for example, the first experience of school is less enjoyable, the curriculum is too dense, the stern teacher, failure in school, homework and moved the pile to a new school. The school's environment, stress can arise due to social unrest that lead to children must participate flee, the situation is not secure, and moved home.
Both parents and teachers need to strive so that children are protected from excessive stress. He said, this is another way to create safe and comfortable atmosphere of psychological, children receive what is, to understand the feelings of children, and try to dialogue effectively with the children. When the child anxious and tense, we strives to be still be quiet so that no child will be involved in responding calmly.
Attitude will make a quiet child is able to disembowel himself honestly, and this will make the problem can be solved well. Give the opportunity for children to express it self more freely and unimpeded, whether it is through dialogue, to listen to complaints a quiet and careful, and through creative works, such as free painting, poetry writing, essay writing, and telling stories.
Show the child the benefits-the benefits of the surplus assets and esteem they have any children so that positive self-concept and optimal growth with full confidence. That all parties, whether parents, teachers and the wider community so that children attempt to avoid excessive stress to take the psychological atmosphere that is safe and convenient for them.
4:43 AM | 0 Comments
Understanding Stress Symptoms
To understand the symptoms of stress, you can simply observing the people, either in the doctors waiting room, at a meeting in the office, in pubs, or at home when the family gathered relative.
According to the book Stress Cheked, the paper Andrew Nichols, often, laughter, excitement, halting speech, the word is not profanity, and fierce debate, is an omen of all stress. Although people do not realize, all of the following also can be a stress sign.
- Cross feet
- Continue to move their feet
- Squeeze, clench your hands or teeth tightly
- Raising the brow and the brow
- The eye depressed
- All play a hand hair, necklace, or button
- Keep up smoking
- Continue to drink the coffee
- Hold mouth chewing
- Keep the food
To recognize your own symptoms of stress, symptoms of stress note that you often see, and compare it with the habit that often you do.
4:32 AM | 0 Comments
Prevent Hypertension, Erectile Dysfunction aside
Men above the age of 40 years are encouraged some cautious interference that can cause health Erectile Dysfunction (DE), especially cardiovascular disease (heart and blood vessel), such as hypertension (high blood), dislipidemia, hiperkolesterolemia.
So far, there is a high prevalence of the condition of interference cardiovascular experienced men with Erectile Dysfunction. Some 64 percent of men reported that DE has at least one or more of the following conditions hypertension, chronic heart disease / angina, high cholesterol, diabetes, and depression.
Increased blood pressure and cholesterol (dislipidemia) in the body will lead to reduction in the size of blood vessel and blood vessel size as a stream of blood to the penis tighten. DE interference can also be an early manifestation of arteriosclerosis (magnification and diminution of blood vessel).
Therefore, to prevent the emergence of the disease cardiovascular save someone from DE. Risk factors, among others, smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and can cause arteriosclerosis (storehouse of fat deposits on the arterial) should be avoided.
Treatment to obtain a normal sexual life back, of course, very important for most people with DE, with both diseases cause, or not. Results of the survey showed, to the men seeking treatment for the DE erection ensure faster and longer. In fact, the overall condition of the body enact a significant function for the sufferer DE.
11:25 PM | 2 Comments
Eat balanced and activity patterns, body is reluctant to expand
In many studies, the only one powerful moment that the body is elastic with no set pattern of activity with healthy eating balanced. Reproduce movement can reduce the pile of fat. Here are some tips so that the body is not elastic.
First, the number of physical activity. For example, do not use too often Elevator. Better if you want to use the stairs to the floor two or three. Also when will the house to relatives or friends house that distance is only a few blocks from home. You can use a bicycle or walk. Similarly when the need or turn off the television. Remote control that can facilitate this activity, but little movement will help to burn body fat loam.
Second, when you select a parlor car, do not force the parlor near the entrance of the destination. Try to park few meters from the place of destination. In this way, you can run.
Third, exercise regularly for 30 minutes per session, with a frequency of 3 times a week. This exercise routine can burn the pile of fat in the body.
Fourth, Arrange with balanced eating pattern. Eat scat hungry start, and stop eating before satiety. Avoid excessive behavior in foods. Remember, any excess calories are stored in the form of fat that potential source of disease.
However, if you can not refrain, just select the fruit. Avoid eating dishes or junk food because this food contains extra fat and calories. Stop the habit snack snacks while watching television or cinema impressions. At the time like that, you will control the amount of calories difficulty entering the body.
Which is also important, the use of drugs that can reduce body weight is sold freely and without a prescription is not always safe. May even cause harmful side effects for the body.
11:07 PM | 0 Comments
Frequence Watch Television Triggering Asthma
LONDON - the UK's latest research shows that routine as much as watching television two hours or more a day can trigger asthma. Twice the risk compared with children who rarely watch television.
Researchers from the University of Glasgow, Andrea Sheriff, and colleagues examine 3000 children from birth until the age of almost 12 years. Parents routinely asked about symptoms of a heavy breath on their children and whether the sentence to a doctor on asthma development.
The researchers are also analyzing how often the children are watching television. "The findings indicate that the current pattern associated with breathing habits ongoing sat on interference lungs and the breath of children," said Sheriff as quoted Reuters.
The study showed that 6 percent of children without asthma symptoms when aged in the first 12 years growing with asthma symptoms. In children who watch television more than two hours a day, symptoms of asthma is found twice.
"The findings enrich the evidence of the lack of movement and excess body weight with increased risk of asthma," said Elaine Vickers of Asthma UK, which was not involved in the study.
Study is the first call-seated habit of sitting still at the very young age with the risk of asthma not long after.
However, the study does not consider factors habits play video games and computers with the reasons for mid-1990's not popularity.
Currently, the disease asthma experienced approximately 300 million people in the world and has become a disease with children, which of them are marked with heavy breath, hard time breathing, and coughing.
Based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO), as much as 30 percent of children in the world with respiratory disease. (REUTERS/1healthyours)
10:59 PM | 0 Comments
Remove Gallstone Naturally
Gallstone disease is still less attention than other heart disease such as chronic viral hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and carcinomas hepatoseluler. When symptoms and complications, gallstone disease also have impact on the cost of health care.
Risk factors the incidence of gallstone prevalence and type of gallstone in Indonesia have a different character in the country with the west. If in the country west of this disease is mainly triggered by the four risk factors, namely female gender, age above 40 years old, high-fat diet, and fertility, in Asia the disease is generally caused by infection of alimentary tract.
Type of stone in the western countries most cholesterol stones, while the research indicates the type of stone is a stone pigment. Symptoms similar to ulcer disease because of soreness in the same area stomach. However, the ulcer disease, pain slowly, become more, and is located in the stomach with spread to the left. While painful gallstone disease in a lost-arise suddenly, and is located in the stomach with spread to the lumbar spine and right.
The gall bladder stones may migrate entrance channel that bile can cause problems due to stoppage of yellow stone. This eventually caused infection channels bile from the mild to serious and even fatal and can be ended with the death. Some patients may also experience complications due to stones in the pancreas that clog it.
Traditional ways
This disease usually do therapy through the operation. For people with gallstone disease, there are the traditional way from China to remove gallstone natural and you can try it out.
Materials needed are fresh apple fruit, the UK salt (Epsom salt, magnesium sulphate), olive oil (olive oil, sesame oil), lemon and fruit or fresh citrus fruit. The tool used was the fruit processor electricity, peck glass, plastic and mosquito net that has been built according to the size of toilet room.
Nutritious apples destroy gallstone. Olive oil works smear gall stones to come out smoothly. Meanwhile, orange or lemon fruit is useful so that you do not vomit when drinking olive oil. So, olive oil and poke orange or lemon to the average.
Once all is ready, peeled apples, peeled the skin of apples because of the many skins that have been coated or wax contaminated pesticides. Then the apples are peeled and cut using a blended fruit processor electricity.
250 cc of juice drink in 1 hour before breakfast, 1 hour before lunch, 1 hour before dinner, and 1 hour before bed (so 4 x 250 cc a day) for 5 consecutive days. During this period, you may eat as usual. In the day-to-6, only juice drink morning and afternoon only, followed by fast, but still can drink mineral water.
In the day-to-6 as well, at 18:00, drink 1 glass of white water that is mixed with one tablespoon salt English. Next, at 20:00 drink 1 glass of white water that is mixed with 1 tablespoon salt English. Finally, at 22:00 drinking «cup olive oil (150 cc) and« cup lemon juice (125 cc), which has stirred evenly. If you do not have fruit processor power, you can consume 4 or 5 apples fresh fruit each day instead of the cider. Stages do the same as outlined above.
After drinking the salt as much as 2 times, you will defecate several times. The next day, remove the water must be filtered with a large mosquito net and then slosh the water. If there is a grain green sand or as large, that is the gallstone out through the dirt. This can come out 3 times from morning until evening.
How treatment is likely to be done several times, according to the condition of each. If you want to know if there are gall stones or had run out, then you should be examined to see a doctor themselves.
Please try.... ;)
3:55 AM | 0 Comments
Snore, harmful to the respiratory
Wrong impression that there is a snore in the community with the same sound sleep. In fact, snoring is a sign of disturbance in the respiratory tract.
Snore difference may be due to anatomy and the network software channel bone breath, including soft palate, large tongue, and the stoppage of the nose. Vibration soft palate mouth cavity is 80% of people snore. Other factors are the causes of excess body weight, consume alcohol, which caused the stoppage of the way the breath, and smoking.
Snore may lead to stoppage of breath during sleep or with sleep apnea is called. Stoppage of breath this situation occurred because the time to sleep musculature of the back of the tongue and surrounding areas to become too "relax" so that the move to the back and close the respiratory tract.
Stoppage of breath can take dozens of times in one hour. Even in extreme cases, breathing interruption may take up to 3 minutes. This does not cause sleep quality. Wake up sleeping instead of fresh, supple and even-headed as Feed the oxygen into the body is not smooth.
This can result in very bad, from the slumber in the afternoon, headache in the morning, easy-tempered, aggressive, anxious, tired, remember the power and decreased intellectual ability, sexual problems, depression, hypertension, and heart disease to trigger stroke.
Overcoming efforts
To overcome the problem of snoring and breathing stoppage during sleep can start with stop smoking, sports regularly, set the pattern of eating a healthy, clean nostril, avoid alcoholic beverages, do not sleep supine, raise the position of the head and neck, try wearing neck shackle , the tongue brace, and use the mask CPAP (Continuous Positive Air Pressure).
CPAP mask function generate positive air pressure at the patient bed. With the occurrence of symptoms that can not breathe avoided. This mask should be used every night, painful, and not very comfortable. Currently, some countries apply the procedure implant pillar to overcome snore.
Procedure therapy implant pillar operation is lightweight, simple, relatively no pain, safe but very effective. Method approved by the Food and Drugs License from the United States (FDA) this can reduce the snoring to 80%, prevent the stoppage of breath and a breath stoppage channel.
Implant pillar can be done with a one-time visits to the doctor, and not the length up to one hour. Three implant (such as discount toothpick) about 3 cm long, made of polyester tephanat, pasted on the back of the soft palate oral cavity. Its function is to sustain soft palate oral cavity, reducing vibration network software mouth cavity and throat, so that the snoring is reduced and the channel stoppage of breath.
Recovery time required is very short and does not disrupt the activity swallow and speak. Implant pillar of the operation was conducted once a lifetime ;)
3:26 AM | 0 Comments
Slim Down and Pump Up for Prostate Cancer Protection
Men who have more lean body mass are less likely to get prostate cancer, according to a study in the Journal of Urology (2005;174:2169–73). Previous studies on the relationship between body size and prostate cancer have yielded conflicting results. The new study compared men with prostate cancer and their cancer-free male siblings to better understand the influence of weight, height, body mass, and body fat on prostate-cancer risk. They also looked at what influence, if any, body composition had on the aggressiveness of the cancer. Most of the men were in their early 60s.The case-control study included 413 families: 439 men with prostate cancer (cases) and 479 cancer-free siblings (controls). The aggressiveness of prostate cancer in cases was graded on a scale of one to five based on microscopic examination of prostate tissue samples, or biopsies. The degree of cancerous infiltration throughout the gland, known as the Gleason score, can give a fairly accurate picture of the stage of cancer development when considered together with levels of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in the blood. (Outside of a study setting, a urologist would also perform a rectal examination of the prostate gland to assess its size, shape, and texture.)
Lean body mass, the total body weight not including fat, is typically higher in people who engage in regular aerobic and strength-building exercise, though it is also influenced by genetic predisposition. The researchers found that men with higher lean body mass had a lower incidence of prostate cancer than did men with low lean body mass. Researchers also found that prostate cancer was less aggressive in men with high lean body mass. Simple measurements of weight relative to height (calculated as the body mass index) did not correlate with cancer incidence or aggressiveness in this study, suggesting that something about lean body mass itself was protective.
The protective effects of lean body mass against prostate cancer may be due to comparatively higher levels of androgens, like testosterone, when lean body mass is higher. Low testosterone in aging men can promote conditions in the prostate that contribute to cancer development, and other studies have correlated low testosterone levels with more aggressive cancer. Comparing siblings makes the data from this study more useful than many others, as it significantly reduced the possibility that the findings could be confounded by genetic and early-life environmental factors. One limitation of the study was that it derived its results from a primarily white population, and therefore may not apply to other ethnic groups.
While these findings are preliminary, they suggest that doing exercises that build muscles might help prevent prostate cancer.
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12:26 AM | 2 Comments
Edelweiss Extract and the fight against Anti Aging

In ancient times the Edelweiss flower was sought after by men who wished to prove their bravery. Because the flower grew at such heights and was often on cliff sides and in dangerous areas many people were known to have been injured, or even killed in pursuit of this flower, which led many men to wear it in the lapel as sort of a badge of honor. Of course, the fact that the Edelweiss flower was the favorite of the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph and his wife, the Empress Elizabeth also gave it prestige. The flower became so popular among hikers that the governments of Austria, Germany and Switzerland took steps to protect it in certain parts of the Alps. Today Edelweiss is grown on many continents and is no longer in the danger it once was. It became even more popular however the 1960's when a song called Edelweiss in the popular stage play and film The Sound of Music sang its virtues and beauty.
For centuries Edelweiss extract has been believed to have positive health effects. Edelweiss teas have been popular as well as use of Edelweiss extract in hot milk, often sweetened with honey. Diarrhea and dysentery were two ailments that it was believed Edelweiss extract could cure. People also believed that it could help fight ailments such as diphtheria and tuberculosis. Today research by the pharmaceutical industry indicates that there was something to these ancient beliefs. Used in high quality anti aging and anti wrinkle cosmetics.

Edelweiss extract is an ancient folk lore remedy that modern science is making popular once again. They have also discovered that the ultra violet light absorbing chemicals this plant has developed from high altitude growth makes it a good additive to sun blocks. Pharmaceutical researchers also are interested in the way some chemicals in the plant prevent amplification of oxides, which are tied to the aging process.
The future of research into Edelweiss extract looks as bright as the high Alpine sun, and the popularity of Edelweiss extract as an ingredient in high quality cosmetics means the plant will remain popular for many years to come.
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11:27 PM | 0 Comments
Breast Self Exam

Teen Years (Puberty): In the teen years, with the start of your monthly cycle, your body enters the maturing process, and you gain curves and may notice skin changes (such as acne) and even hair may change color or texture. Breast tissue is developing during this time too, and may be dense and firm to begin with, especially if you are small-breasted.Family Resemblance: At this stage, it’s not too early to know your family health history, so ask your female relatives (mother, aunts, grandmother) if they had any fibrocystic problems with their breasts, or any regular cysts. If so, it’s likely that you may experience those too. Not to worry – cysts are benign – but you want to know where they are, and if they come and go, so they can be distinguished from other features in your breasts.'
More Curves and Kids (Childbearing Years): After your body is prepared for motherhood, if you conceive and bear children, and also if you breastfeed the children, that will bring on more changes in your breasts, as well as in the rest of your body. Breasts may become larger and more tender during pregnancy, and may need more support. Don’t neglect your BSE during this time, stay familiar with the changes. Remember that pregnancy and breastfeeding will help combine to lower your risk of breast cancer.
Maturity (Menopause): Menopause also brings changes in your breasts, as your estrogen and progesterone levels drop, your breast tissue may become less firm and may drape differently than during your teen and child-bearing years. Keep up with your breast self exams in these years too, so that the normal changes are familiar to you. Less dense breast tissue will seem to have more lumps and bumps, but remember that 90% of breast lumps are benign.
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11:12 PM | 0 Comments
Green Tea and Prostate Health

Studies on diet and cancer also show that green tea when tested with mice with an aggressive form of cancer can decrease the spread or metastasis of prostate cancer to liver, bone, and other parts of the body. Additional study of green tea may help develop a treatment to prevent the dormant, non threatening type of prostate cancer many men have in their 70’s & 80’s from becoming aggressive and fatal. Around six cups of green tea per day would contain the equivalent amount of polyphenols for individuals to help block the spread of cancer. Other data shows that the phytochemicals in green tea could inhibit the early phases of prostate cancer development.
The phytochemicals seem to increase the number of enzymes that help convert carcinogens to dormant, harmless forms. Many questions remain about the amount and frequency of green tea necessary to affect the formation of prostate cancer. Black tea has shown similar benefits to green tea, although they appear to have lower levels of the beneficial substances than green tea. Whatever the benefits of green tea, it would be a mistake to rely on tea alone for prevention. Studies suggest a variety of nutritional influences on prostate cancer risk. The use of Vitamin E may offer some protection. The antioxidant mineral selenium also seems protective. Most Americans get adequate amounts of selenium, but these studies used nutrition supplements, so the study participants achieved higher intake levels. It waits to be seen whether men can protect themselves by taking supplements, including multivitamins, with selenium. If total selenium intake exceeds 400 mcg per day, nerve damage and other side effects can occur in the individual.
Other good foods for natural nutrition are blueberries, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, flaxseed, soybeans, and tomatoes. Cooked tomatoes are actually a far better source than raw tomatoes because the cooking process releases the lycopene from cells.
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11:07 PM | 1 Comments
Premature Ejaculation

To clarify, a male may reach climax after 8 minutes of sexual intercourse, but this is not premature ejaculation if his partner regularly climaxes in 5 minutes and both are satisfied with the timing. Another male might delay his ejaculation for a maximum of 20 minutes, yet he may consider this premature if his partner, even with foreplay, requires 35 minutes of stimulation before reaching climax. If intercourse is the method of sexual stimulation for the second example and the male climaxes after 20 minutes of intercourse and then loses his erection, satisfying his partner (at least with intercourse), who needs 35 minutes to climax, is impossible.
Because many females are unable to reach climax at all with vaginal intercourse (no matter how prolonged), this situation may actually represent delayed orgasm for the female partner rather than premature ejaculation for the male; the problem can be either or both, depending on the point of view. This highlights the importance of obtaining a thorough sexual history from the patient (and preferably from the couple).
The human sexual response can be divided into 3 phases: desire (libido), excitement (arousal), and orgasm. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) classifies sexual disorders into 4 categories: (1) primary, (2) general medical condition–related, (3) substance-induced, and (4) not otherwise specified. Each of the 4 DSM-IV categories has disorders in all 3 sexual phases.
Premature ejaculation may be primary or secondary. Primary applies to individuals who have had the condition since they became capable of functioning sexually (ie, postpuberty). Secondary indicates that the condition began in an individual who previously experienced an acceptable level of ejaculatory control, and, for unknown reasons, he began experiencing premature ejaculation later in life. With secondary premature ejaculation, the problem does not relate to a general medical disorder, and it is usually not related to substance inducement, although, rarely, hyperexcitability might relate to a psychotropic drug and resolves when the drug is withdrawn. Premature ejaculation fits best into the category of not otherwise specified because no one really knows what causes it, although psychological factors are suggested in most cases.
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10:56 PM | 11 Comments
Beta glucan Lowers Blood Lipids
Barley beta-glucan reduces serum lipid levels, according to research presented in April at the First International Congress on Pre-Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome.
In the six-week study, 76 men and 79 women with hypercholesterolemia, aged
25 to 73, completed a four-week lowfat diet prior to baseline. At the beginning of the trial, test subjects were randomly allocated to one of four treatment groups or a control group and assayed for blood lipids and other cardiovascular disease (CVD) biomarkers. During the course of the study, test groups were administered 3 g and 5 g doses of low molecular weight (LMW) or high molecular weight (HMW) barley beta-glucan (from Cargill) twice daily, in cereal and juice.
Posttreatment assessment of blood lipids and other CVD biomarkers revealed improvements in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, triglycerides, markers of glycemic control
(glycosylated hemoglobin, HOMA model) and a key marker of inflammation
The researchers concluded both doses of LMW and HMW barley beta-glucan improved blood lipids over a six-week treatment period.
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9:47 AM | 0 Comments
Why Quit Smoking Cigarettes?
Nicotine is the source of the addiction of smokers. Smokers definitely find if very hard to quit this bad habit because nicotine is incredibly an addictive drug. To others it is as hooking as heroin and cocaine. It takes a lot of trial to finally stop smoking. Quitting would take a lot of hard work and effort.What are the good benefits of quitting? Being able to start now is the best decision that you will do for yourself. You will have the chance to live a healthy and longer life.
Quitting will decrease the opportunity of diseases to hit you like heart attack, cancer or stroke. Pregnant women should start quitting for the chance of having a vigorous baby. Your relatives and your children that are you live with will be in good health. Rather spending your cash on availing cigarettes you will have the funds to spend it with other useful things.There are 5 ways to start quitting and these will help in quitting for good. First, you need to get ready. Then you need the support of family and friends. You should learn new talent and activities. Then you should seek help from physician to give you medications and don’t abuse it. And last is to be ready for setback or difficult instances.
With getting ready, you have to plan your quit date, and you definitely need a change of environment. This means to remove every cigarette and ashtrays wherever you are. And you shouldn’t permit anyone to smoke at your house. Choose the people around you that will be helpful in encouraging you to quit smoking. Tell the people around you to not let you smoke and to avoid smoking too. Learn new ways to distract yourself from the cravings of smoking. Try to do something to relieve you from stress. Reading a book, hot bath and exercise will do. Take a lot amount of fluid. When you are in medication to help you quit smoking you should use it properly. The approved medications to help you stop smoking are Nicocure available at, nicotine inhaler, nasal sprays and patches which can be availed by prescription and over the counter products like nicotine gums.
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9:40 AM | 0 Comments
Prostate Cancer Risk Factors

Age is a risk factor for prostate cancer, especially men age 50 and older. More than 80 percent of all prostate cancers are diagnosed in men over the age of 65. Race: Prostate cancer is nearly twice as common among African-American men than it is among Caucasian-American men. Japanese and Chinese men native to their country have the lowest rates of prostate cancer.
Diet: Data suggests that the diet consumed in Western industrialized countries may be one of the most important contributory factors for developing prostate cancer. The following information regarding diet and its effect on the risk for prostate cancer include men who eat a high-fat diet may have a greater chance of developing prostate cancer. Dietary fiber intake may decrease the progression of prostate cancer. Soy protein lowers fat intake, and the isoflavones in soy have been found to inhibit the growth of prostate cancer. Vitamin E and selenium Vitamin E, an antioxidant, combined with selenium, has been shown to inhibit tumor growth in laboratory animals. Carotenoids Carotenoids containing lycopenes have been shown to inhibit the growth of human prostate cancer cells in tissue cultures. The primary source of lycopenes is processed tomatoes in tomato juice and tomato paste. Obesity Obesity not only contributes to diabetes and high cholesterol, but has also been associated with some common cancers including prostate cancer.
Vasectomy, BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia), or STD (sexually transmitted disease) Researchers have looked at whether men who have had a vasectomy, BPH, or those who have had exposure to STD’s are at increased risk for prostate cancer. Some studies suggest a link, while others don’t. Family history of prostate cancer. A father or brother with prostate cancer doubles a man's risk of developing prostate cancer. The risk is even higher for men with several affected relatives. Geneticists divide families into three groups, depending upon the number of men with prostate cancer and their ages of onset, including the following: Sporadic - a family with prostate cancer present in one man, at a typical age of onset. Familial - a family with prostate cancer present in more than one person, but with no definitive pattern of inheritance and usually an older age of onset. Hereditary - Five to 10 percent of prostate cancer cases are considered hereditary. Genetic Approximately 9 percent of all prostate cancers and 45 percent of cases in men younger than age 55 can be attributed to a cancer susceptibility gene that is inherited as a dominant trait (from parent to child).
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9:25 AM | 0 Comments
Menopause Symptoms and Memory Loss
While you may experience the misery of hot flashes and mood swings as you enter menopause, one thing you can't blame on the "change" is memory loss.
In the latest study that exonerates menopause as a cause of impairing the ability to recall, Taiwanese researchers compared the memory of hundreds of women before they had any menopausal symptoms to their memory as they entered menopause.
They found the women who were going through the menopausal process scored as well or nearly as well on five different cognitive function tests. Results of the study are to be presented Oct. 4 at the American Neurological Association annual meeting in Toronto.
"When women go into perimenopause, they don't need to worry about cognitive decline," said Dr. Jong-Ling Fuh, an attending physician at Taipei Veterans General Hospital and an associate professor of Yang-Ming University School of Medicine.
The researchers said the myth of memory loss during menopause is a perception some women have because as they went through menopause, they felt their memory wasn't as sharp as it had been before. Studies suggesting that hormone replacement therapy might protect against dementia strengthened that belief. However, a large study later found that in older women, hormone replacement therapy not only didn't help protect women from dementia, but could actually increase the risk.
To try to answer the question of whether menopause did have any effect on memory, Fuh and her colleagues studied nearly 700 premenopausal women living on a group of rural islands between Taiwan and China. The Taiwanese government restricted access to these islands until the 1990s, so the authors report that the study's population was nearly homogeneous, which would help rule out other potentially causative factors of memory loss.
The women were between the ages of 40 and 54. None of them had had a hysterectomy, and none took hormone replacement therapy during the study.
All took five cognitive tests designed to assess their memory and cognitive skills at the start of the study, and then again 18 months later.
During the study period, 23 percent of the women began to have symptoms of menopause.
The researchers then compared the memory of the women who had entered menopause to those who had not, and found very little difference. In four of the five tests, there were no statistically significant differences in the two groups of women.
Only on one test was the difference statistically significant, and that difference, said Fuh, was very slight. This test was designed to assess verbal memory and involved showing the women 70 nonsensical figures. Some of the figures were repeated during the test, while most were not. The women were asked whether they had seen the figure earlier.
"For women, menopause does not mean you'll develop memory loss," said Dr. Raina Ernstoff, an attending neurologist at William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Mich. As you're going through perimenopause and experiencing symptoms like hot flashes, she said, you may feel lousy and have trouble sleeping, which might temporarily affect your cognitive skills.
"I don't think declining estrogen levels are what causes memory loss," said Dr. Steven Goldstein, an obstetrician/gynecologist at New York University Medical Center in New York City. "It's not like your memory is bopping along, doing fine and then takes this big dive during menopause, like bone density can."
Both Ernstoff and Goldstein said they weren't aware of many women who believed that menopause might cause significant memory loss. They also both felt that results from this group of women who were so homogeneous might not apply to different groups of women, such as those living in more industrialized society. And they both said that other factors that weren't studied could play a role in memory loss, such as hypertension, which can contribute to vascular dementia.
Ernstoff also pointed out that the education backgrounds can play a large role in memory loss. Fuh acknowledged the researchers did attempt to control the data for educational differences.
SOURCES: Jong-Ling Fuh, M.D., attending physician, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, and associate professor, Yang-Ming University School of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan; Steven Goldstein, M.D., obstetrician/gynecologist, New York University Medical Center, and professor, obstetrics/gynecology, New York University School of Medicine, New York City; Raina Ernstoff, M.D., attending neurologist, William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Mich., and member, Alzheimer's Board of Detroit; Oct. 4, 2004, presentation, American Neurological Association, Toronto.
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9:21 AM | 0 Comments
Cause of Hair Loss in Teens and Adults

Adrogenetic refers to the influence of androgens (male hormones), and genetic predisposition to balding can be the reason of such a hair loss.Genetic is not that simple, and also the hair loss case. Just the presence of someone in your family of balding is not enough to predict that you will also become bald. It is really hard to predict who will go bald and how fast will it be. That is why planning for hair restoration will be very important for those people who gets alarmed about it.
Normal man and women produce androgenic hormones. Dihydrotestosterone, androsteinedione, testosterone (DHT) is the most common. For men Testicles and adrenals are the one to produce it. For women ovaries and adrenal glands are the one to produce. These hormones are important for both sexes. But have different concentrations, and this is more predominant for males than females. This in part, differentiates the genders. Exposure of hair follicles to DHT, in a susceptible person, in a period of time leads to male and female pattern to baldness or the so-called adrogenetic alopecia. There is no exact age for balding occurrence.
Balding is a process, simple yet this fact is often ignored. This process can be slow or rapid. It usually starts at late teens. Illnesses and medical conditions is one of the causes of hair loss. Such as thyroid disease and diabetes, can cause hair loss. Those people with liver and kidney diseases and lupus can also have baldness. Adult women and teen girls can have hair loss due to hormone imbalance in polycystic ovary syndrome.Medications such as acne medicines cause hair loss. Amphetamines in diet pills can also cause hair loss. And the very known medication that causes hair loss is chemotherapy.
Alopecia areata is a skin disease than causes hair loss on the scalp and sometimes on the body. It is an autoimmune disease. The own immune system is the one to damage the hair follicles. Alopecia areata starts as small bald patches and can progress to total baldness.Trichotillomania is a psychological disorder in which a person pulls his/her own hair that can also lead to hair loss. Hair treatments and styling the hair gives tension to scalp and hair becomes damaged and leads to hair loss. Nutrition is also one factor of baldness because of lack of protein, vitamins and minerals that sustains the hair. Disruption of hair cycle growth is also a problem. Like delivering a baby, getting anesthesia, or having surgery.
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9:12 AM | 0 Comments
Breast Implant Dangers
Occasionally, breast implants may break or leak. The saline fill is salt water and will be absorbed by the body without ill effects. Older implants with silicone gel can leak also. If this occurs, one of two things may occur. If breakage of the implant shell that has a contracture scar around it, then it may not feel like anything has happed. If the shell breaks and there is not a contracture scar, then leakage into the surrounding tissue results in a sensation that the implant is deflating. The leaking gel may collect in the breast and a new scar may form around it. In other cases gel can migrate through the lymphatic system to another area of the body. Breaks may require a second operation and replacement of the leaking implant. If the gel has migrated it may not be possible to remove all of the silicone gel. This silicone gel is the what some say is related to the initiation of connective tissue disorders.
For silicone gel and saline-filled implants, some causes of rupture or deflation include : damage by surgical instruments during surgery, overfilling or underfilling of the implant with saline solution (specific only to saline-filled breast implants), capsular contracture ,closed capsulotomy , stresses such as trauma or intense physical manipulation ,excessive compression during mammographic imaging, placement through umbilical incision ,site injury to the breast, normal aging of the implant ,unknown/unexplained reasons.
FDA completed a retrospective study on rupture of silicone gel-filled breast implants. This study was performed in Birmingham, Alabama and included women who had their first breast implant before 1988. Women with silicone gel-filled breast implants had a MRI examination of their breasts to determine the status of their current breast implants. The 344 women who received a MRI examination had a total of 687 implants. Of the 687 implants in the study, at least two of the three study radiologists agreed that 378 implants were ruptured (55%). This means that 69% of the 344 women had at least one ruptured breast implant. Of the 344 women, 73 (21%) had extracapsular silicone gel in one or both breasts. Factors that were associated with rupture included increasing age of the implant, the implant manufacturer, and submuscular rather than subglandular location of the implant.
The most common complication of breast implants is capsular contracture, a tightening of the scar tissue that the body produces around the implant as a natural part of healing. Additional surgery may be required either to remove the scar tissue or to remove—and perhaps replace—the implant. In a prospective clinical study of saline-filled breast implants conducted by Mentor, the cumulative, 3-year, by patient rates of a first occurrence of capsular contracture Grades III and IV were 9% for the 1264 augmentation patients and 30% for the 416 reconstruction patients. In a prospective clinical study of saline-filled breast implants conducted by McGhan, the cumulative, 3-year, by patient rates of a first occurrence of capsular contracture Grades III and IV were 9% for the 901 augmentation patients and 25% for the 237 reconstruction patients.
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9:03 AM | 0 Comments
Silicone Immune Toxicity Syndrome

Below is the List of Chemicals which experts have analyzed to be in the explanted breast implant shell envelopes and gels.
Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Cyclohexane, Isopropyl Alcohol, Denatured Alcohol ,Acetone ,Urethane, Lacquer thinner ,Ethyl Acetate ,Epoxy Resin, Epoxy hardener, Amine, Printing ink, Toluene, Freon ,Silicone, Lofol (formaldehyde), Flux Metal, cleaning acid, Eastman 910 glue (Cyanoacyryiates) ,Talcum Powder,Color Pigments as release agents Oakite (a cleaning solvent), Ethylene Oxide (ETO), Carbob black, Xylene, Hexane, Hexanone 2, Antioxidant (rubber) ,Zinc Oxide ,Naphtha (rubber solvent), Phenol Benzene-Known carcinogen!!!!
ALSO..... Polyvinyl Chloride (Liquid Vinyl) This ingredient was used in all medical devices made at Edwards Lab, from tubing to gel.
Methylene Chloride/Dichloromethane. This breaks down in the body so blood cannot carry oxygen. It metabolizes carbon monoxide poisoning and causes central nervous system depression.
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4:08 AM | 0 Comments
Problem of Infertility at woman and its solution
Infertility at woman sometimes give the heavy problem of social for her. Problem of infertility at woman sometime make herself excommunicated by family, even can accept inequitable treatment to herself, like divorced.
One of the trouble of system reproduction causing infertility is Endometriosis, estimated in this time 5-10% woman around the world hit by endometriosis, 20-50% among others found at woman of infertility.
What is Endometriosis?
Endometriosis is trouble at system reproduce where membrane network of lender gracious grow outside gracious cavity for example at ovaries channel and ovary or other organ. Symptom of Endometriosis which most commonly is coitus moment pain in bone, menstrual and waist pain in bone under increasing excitement especially at menstruate moment. The symptom happened repeatedly. Other symptom is queasy, and puking of infertility. Existence of endometriosis have to be thought of in each natural fertile age woman of hip pain in bone, especially at previous woman have never experienced of moment pain in bone at menstruate.
How Endometriosis cause Infertility’? And medication how to its?
Endometriosis cause infertility with corking ovaries channel because gracious membrane network growing outside womb, so that impregnation do not happened
Endometriosis needs estrogen hormone to grow, so that handling in general is by depressing estrogen hormone by therapy of endometriosis cover therapy operate on and usage of pregnant drug of Leuprolide Acetate.
8:11 AM | 0 Comments
Life with Asthma?
Asthma is disease of inflammation, or problems at breath channel, with symptom in the form of stricture of breath channel improving the channel responds to various excitement - start from stress, cigarette smoke, parfum, gasoline till athletics. Most Asthma symptom often is coughing, oppress because tight breath channel and com under pressure in chest. Estimated 300 million earthlings suffer effect of asthma. Some of cause of asthma is allergy, but not all allergies are asthma. So also with history of genetic, not all asthma effect of clan factor.
8:01 AM | 0 Comments
Wish slender? Munch the food slowly.
Yesterday I have experience coughs moment eat in a hurry, really inconvenience experience. In the reality habit eat quickly and in a hurry become one of factor cause of body overweight. That way according to research of University of Osaka which is publicized in British Medical Journal.
Researcher in country of Sakura that perceive habit eat about 3000 people (how yes see people so much munch food, sure tire). In the reality from that amount, 84% people would experience of body overweight, and amount him is woman have 2 times fold. Even, they who eat fully filled until in the reality 3 bigger time its possibility experience of body overweight.
According To Prof. Ian Mcdonald of University of Nottingham tell to eat untimely will destroy signal system to inform brain desisting to eat because content bounce up too full of, though process to digest unfinished food.
Hence to prevent to fatness I munch food slowly, isn't it true that that way we also feel more easy going. So also with children to be given Lessons of eating slowly. Hopefully good for ;)
7:57 AM | 0 Comments
Milk is to prevent Breast Cancer?? Its True??

Milk can be consumed in various forms. There are the fresh or processed form in which, such as milk powder or condensed milk sweet. Humans also consume milk products from food containing milk, such as cheese, ice cream, and yogurt.
However, there are still differences in opinion about the consumption of this milk. There are groups that consumed milk every day is not good for health, especially vascular disease such as blood vessel constriction. Argument is, milk, increase blood cholesterol level is a heart disease risk factors. Second, the positive relationship between milk production average per capita income with death due to heart disease in some countries.
Other groups to support the role of milk in a decrease in the risk of various diseases degeneration, such as heart disease, hypertension, and cancer. Latest research in Norway support this.
Hjartäker together with colleagues from the Institute of Community Medicine, University of Tromso, Norway, published in the International Journal of Cancer, shows that consuming three or more glasses of milk every day can reduce the risk of breast cancer in affected women before menopause.
Through research cohort the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study, they examine the 48,844 women for six years and two months. Consumption of milk was measured with a food consumption history form to the respondent. During this period, the team Hjartäker find 317 cases of breast cancer.
In fact the consumption of milk since childhood negatively associated with breast cancer occurrence at the time they are aged 34-39 years (pramenopause). That means that consume milk since childhood can reduce the risk of breast cancer affected.
Milk consumption in the adult also reduce the risk of breast cancer after corrected by hormonal factors, body mass index, physical activity, and alcohol consumption. Women who do not consumings milk risk breast cancer exposed to 2 times greater than women who consume milk, 3 glasses of milk or more each day.
3:35 AM | 0 Comments
Besides to prevent various disease of infection like Tuberculosis, Tetanus, Folio, Difteri and others, nowadays doctor world also progressively go forward found of vaccine to virus cause of cancer. The vaccines is vaccine to virus of hepatitis to prevent Liver Cancer, and also vaccine to virus of HPV (Human Papilom Virus) to prevent gracious cancer (cervix).
Vaccination for cancer is preventive action, is not medication. Medication for cancer alone can be done by operation or lifting of cancer cell, radiation or irradiating of cancer use radioactive ray, and also laboring chemotherapy by attacking body network which grow swiftly like cancer network. One of the side effects of chemotherapy which enough feel concerned about at most women of course cause hair mould. But, in fact side effects feeling concerned about this only whereas. Hair will grow again when chemotherapy prose finish, even usually grow more fertile from previously.
By giving vaccine of HPV can less risk hit by cervical cancers till 70%. From existing data, cervical cancers represent cancer type many in Nations expand. Virus of HPV able to cause cervical cancers earn contagious pass sexual relation of couple having virus of HPV.
For the men of, virus of HPV do not show symptom and do not have an in with its health. However other the things of virus of HPV descend upon woman body and finally have potency to generate cervical cancers. Cancer infection of cervix will be more easy to attack at woman which start to do sexual at adolescent age, often change sexual couple, smoker and have body endurance which is in.
6:13 AM | 0 Comments
Vaccination of MMR is immunizing combination addressed to prevent measles, Germany measles (Rubella). This Vaccination pertained the necessary for woman, especially for the prevention of Rubella. Infection Virus of Rubella at woman of pregnancy can cause fetus handicap. Vaccination of MMR passed to woman early on till adult. To woman which is just is given vaccination of MMR prohibited pregnancy during three months. Vaccination of MMR is enough to be given once for a lifetime.
HPV ( Human Papilom Virus)
This Vaccination is passed to woman start age 11 - 25 year. According to research 97% patient of cancer of cervix found by infection of HPV. This Vaccination non vaccination for the cancer of cervix, but with this vaccination, You earn to protect yourself of possibility attacked by virus of HPV able to trigger cancer of cervix. Vaccination given three of times, giving of second vaccination 1 months after first vaccination and vaccination which is third to be given 5 months after second vaccination.
Also read another article about vaccination, thanks ;)
8:58 PM | 0 Comments
Many people believe that influenza is disease which is equal to coughing and ordinary head cold and relative is not dangerous. This big wrong concept, every year millions of people in all the world influenza virus infection, causing thousands of people die its effect of him and definitive millions of your office hours lose.
Symptom disease of influenza is coughing, headache, fever, muscle pain in bone and remarkable fatigue. As comparison, cough and contagious head cold by and possible have is same symptom, but this disease represent lighter respiration infection, its symptom do not heavily and do not as dangerous as disease of influenza. Medication of influenza do not always gratify, antibiotic is not effective fight against virus though can assist in infection and medication of seconder of flu. Way of best possible by vaccination. Proven to Vaccination several times degrade incident of flu or at least lessen degree of its symptom. Vaccination Influenza remain to be method operation of most effective flu. WHO very is recommending of usage of vaccine as effective method of prevention some disease representing disease of have fatal potency to. Proven correct vaccine 70 - 90% effective prevent disease at healthy individual, clipping the expense of medication and surely it’s lessen absence your work.
4:18 AM | 0 Comments
Vitamin and Herbal to keep in good health eye
Used for digestive trouble and also trouble at eye. Active vitamin which sharing anthocyanoside that is one of type of flavonoid. Anthocyanosid antioxidants assisting to improve blood stream capillary small channel of eye, functioning assist eye quickly live within commutation of light and improve durability of eyesight. Drink the supplements of Bilberry with Vitamin of E effective proven pursue fastly of cataract.
Vitamin A
Of vital importance for the durability of eyesight of nocturnal eye as well as playing a part to slow down cataract. Can be got in carrot, red parsnip and chicken liver.
Representing everyday used eye drug at home. Recognized also by the name of Clitorea Linn Ternates. Clean last flower soak in hot water, let to be chilled. Lift flower, use immersion water to clean eye or compress it. Have proven to cool pain eye, tired eye or eye feel heat.
Grape seed
Used for the rotation of peripheral of eye and strengthen capillary small channel of eye.
Omega-3 Fatty Acid
Sour this fat lessen symptom is not balmy which caused by dry eye. Result of research of Harvard Medical School in America. Use 3-6 mg every day.
Representing one types of nutrition carotene. Lutein including beta of carotene and alpha carotene which by body turned into vitamin of a worthwhile to health of eye. Lutein especially there are in high percentage in eye of macula.
3:31 AM | 3 Comments
Secret to be Free of Heart Sickness and Stroke
These questions answered by research by Julia Mbalilaki of Karolinska Institute, Sweden, cooperate with Norwegian and Tanzania scientist. That secret lay in active life style of Masai owning habit walk routinely.
Degree of high physical activity of Masai differs from town’s people and farmer. Activity of Masai need 2.500.000 calorie every day with required energy from someone to walk counted 20 km one day. These matters also causing Masai have small waist circumference and healthy blood fat profile, though animal fat rate in their food very high.
Interest to imitate life style of Masai?
3:16 AM | 0 Comments
Bacterium of Meningococus can cause infection chafe brain membrane. Vaccination of Meningococus passed to them to travel Middle East or African. Vaccine given according to requirement and no side effects.
Yellow Fever
Passed to they to give or obtain cash for religious service at Middle East. Do not bole passed to woman of pregnancy, baby under 6 year natural them and months of degradation of immured system. Vaccination given 10 year once. There no side effects.
Japanese B-Encephalitis
Vaccination able to prevent this brain infection is given for the man who will pay a visit to Japan, Chinese or Korea. Given according to requirement and there no side effects.
More Information about Vaccination please read VACCINATION, WAY TO BE MORE HEALTHY and VACCINATION, WAY TO BE MORE HEALTHY (2)
4:46 AM | 0 Comments
Congratulation gets acquainted with Superbly Food able to protect you from various disease attacks.
Rich of mineral of iron, zinc, vitamin and potassium E. Cereal owning value of GI (Glicemyc Index) low this is very high fiber and lower natrium ( salt). In consequence suited for degrading cholesterol, especially rate of LDL alias virulent cholesterol.
Oats digested slowly, so that can maintain to feel fully filled at the same time control blood sugar rate in order not to leap by drastic. Its content of very low him and very brotherly to digestive health because containing pro biotic which personage bacterium either in in intestine so that prevent constipate, diarrhea, intestine trouble and of hemorrhoid.
Of vital importance to digestion and absorption of other vitamin, useful for the process of liver and kidney, releasing garbage from within body. Water not containing chemical vitamin and additives, in consequence very suggested to drink water counted 8 glass every day. Dehydration (lacking of water) will coagulate your blood, which cause heart and body strive harder and will improve blood pressure, making brain less active, degrading and concentration of energy body. Dehydration also causes headache, dry husk, fatigue, dry eye and mouth, stomach cramps and muscle, and also instability bounce and physical.
Not only containing protein, high quality mineral and vitamin, oily fish like Salmon is best source of fat acid of omega-3. Sour of fat of omega-3 have many benefit to health of heart, metabolism, and brain. Fish of Salmon, and sardine of mackerel rich of fat acid of omega-3 very suggested to be consumed 2-3 times a week.
Yogurt have bacterium content live the so-called pro biotic. this Good bacterium will pursue growth of virulent bacterium, assisting metabolism and digestion of food. Yogurt also very easy permeated by body. Besides is rich of calcium and of protein, so that can be used as alternative substitution of milk to patient of lactose intolerance which cannot digest lactose in milk.
Fruits Type Berry
Fruit Type gives like Strawberry, Blueberry and of Raspberry have content of antioxidants in number more compared to other fruits, consisting of antosianin, and polifenol of carotene. Antioxidant can prevent damage of cell effect of free radical attack, protecting against heart sickness, cancer, radiations and pollution. This rich fruits also of fiber, sour of folat, vitamin of C and E.
11:45 PM | 0 Comments
TT (Tocsin of Tetanus)
Representing vaccination to prevent tetanus infection to woman and men and this vaccination not have side effects. Duration exploiting of this vaccination at school age, before married (bride) and those with hit high risk of tetanus.
Pneumococcon (Influenza)
This Vaccination very good for preventing you of lung infection which because of virus of Pneumococcus. Very suggested to people continue age. But don't be passed to one who is fever. This vaccination have duration only one year.
Hepatitis B
This vaccination can be given to all those good men and women, but not necessary for them that Carrier. Vaccination is done to prevent Hepatitis B infection is not having side effects. Vaccination is done three times the distance from the injection site 1 month the first injection, then 6 months from the second injection. Effect of vaccination is usually survived for 5 years.
Hepatitis A
Vaccination is given to adults, aims to prevent the hepatitis virus is transmitted by the Hepatitis A is spread through food. Vaccination for Hepatitis A is conducted twice a lifetime. Injections carried out in the second period of 6-12 months after the first injection. This vaccination does not have side effects.
Varicellazoster (chickenpox)
Vaccination has side effects, namely a high fever. Vaccination is given to children and adults to prevent chickenpox infection. Should not be given to pregnant women and those with decreased immune system. Is enough given by 2 times for a lifetime. Injections made in the second period of 1-2 months after the first injection.
Typhoid (Typhus)
Vaccination is given to women and men who will be primarily to travel to the region endemic. Vaccination aims to prevent bacterial infection Typhoid. Typhoid Vaccination can be done in a period of 2 years and no side effects.
Those who are potentially exposed to animal bites, and they have been exposed to bite animals such as dogs, monkeys and bats Rabies vaccination must be given to prevent rabies infection. For those who do preventive vaccination as a rabies infection, duration of injection is 7 day after first injection and 28 day after second injection. For those who have been bitten animals, injections is 3 days after the first injection and 7 days after the second injection, 14 days after the third injection and 28 days after the fourth injection with a high fever after injected.
11:35 PM | 0 Comments
Besides to be poured boiling water into and drink, tea in the reality have many usefulness of our which can take. Tea can make cool burnt husk effect of sun sting, assuaging eye fatigue, blackening hair and deodorize feet.
Other benefit is that relieve tired eyes, pain or swelling. Soak two tea bag in hot water and paste in your eyes (closed your eyes) for 20 minutes. Tannin substances in tea will reduce the swelling and ease eye fatigue.
To blacken hair, plunging 3 tea poke in 1 glass contain hot water. Enhancing Rosemary and of Sage each 1 tablespoon, let in last night later then filter. Clean and rinse your hair, after running dry to spray mentioned tea dilution to entire/all wet hair until. Drying hair and don't be rinsed, laboring don't scalp. Use several times until your black hair.
Tea also can to deodorize feet. Eliminating by feet soak into tea condensation. Make tea condensation which jell by soaking some tea poke. Soak foot/feet during 20 minute, feet aroma will lose slowly.
Besides benefit above still many existing benefit in tea, and surely very cheap.
10:17 PM | 0 Comments

Water works to move the minerals, vitamins, protein and vitamin to the other throughout the human body. Approximately 80% human body consists of water. Among the body's organs, blood and the brain is the most high water has a womb. Each organ of vital water contents up to 90% and 95%.
The existence of the blood composition of water that reached 95% as the carrier substance to the entire body of nutrition is very important. Blood has the role of distributing food to all the cells in the body in order not to starve. Brain in the "starvation" because of disruption of supply glucose and oxygen causes a feeling sluggish, tired and may even cause a stroke.
Feeling thirsty triggered by cells that lack of water, if the show actually feel thirsty we've lost 1% of water body. Water also serves as a lubricant joints, joint movements will not be disrupted by pain when people drink enough water. READ MORE...
10:20 PM | 0 Comments
There are two kinds of vaccination, that is active vaccination and passive vaccination. Active vaccination is giving of vaccine with aim to stimulate system impenetrability of body to yield protection to infection. Its way, by including virus or bacterium which have been weakened or killed into body so that owning impenetrability to virus infection or bacteria. One of the active vaccination example is vaccination of Meningococus which stimulating impenetrability of body by including Meningitis bacterium (Chafe brain membrane) which have been killed or weakened. This vaccination passed to one who will travel to endemic natural area of this disease. Its target when Meningitis bacterium charge into in body, You have owned impenetrability and earn protected Meningitis bacterium infection.
Whereas passive vaccination represent vaccination with aim to give impenetrability whereas by giving immured substance into body, like antibody. The example is to inoculation of Ant Tetanus Serum ( ATS) at one who experience of serum or hurt of anti rabies at one who is hit by animal bite.
Yielded impenetrability effect of this two vaccination type even also differs. Active vaccination has longer impenetrability than passive vaccination. Passive vaccination has the character of to give transient impenetrability effect or only going into effect in one short duration.
Way of giving the vaccination all kinds of. There is given vaccine through of oral and given vaccine pass hypodermic. Vaccination by oral, vaccine given by dropped or drinker in the form of tablet. Meanwhile, vaccination pass inoculation or hypodermic [done/conducted] with two ways of, that is inseminated intramuscular and of subcutaneous inseminated under husk. (From various sources)
10:13 PM | 0 Comments
Treatment of face husk with orange can be used to all husk type, but will be more is effective at oily husk face and sensitive. Treatment with neither Orange nor give side effects.
At its applying, initially your face cleaned with made cleaner of honey and yogurts. The materials can lift husk dirt and also pickings of makeup which still patch. After face cleared by honey pickings which patch, dab two cutting fresh orange to surface of face accompanied with massage. Vitamin of C which consists in Orange will be permeated into face husk and can this can assist to tighten husk and also lift again face husk wrinkling.
Final phase, face stickied on with cucumber close over full faced. Cucumber and husk face have same hydrogen level so that very easy adopting into is assorted of treatment. His Obstetrical can refresh and attenuate husk. Suggested to await during one hour after process finish. (From various sources)
10:06 PM | 0 Comments
Many condition cause of stroke, but initially is from ossification of artery of[is so-called arteriosclerosis, that way word of Virgin Brown, MD, head of American Hearth Association. Arteriosclerosis represent effect of modern life style which full of stress, pattern eat highly of fat and less exercise.
Almost 80% stroke can be prevented, that way result of research of The National Stroke Association. Of course there is its exemption, which is if in family there is some one who is hit by stroke, hence this represent risk factor in the form of lineage. There is also enviable factor which often get away from perception of doctor. For the factor of this clan is you cannot do many, even you have high risk get attack of stroke.
Besides there is other factor which have possibility improve risk of stroke, that is Rheumatoid Arthritis and of RLS (Restless Legs Syndrome). According to American College Rheumatology of 67% patient of arthritis rheumatoid have risk hit by compared to bigger stroke of public population. This matter is enabled to chafe suffered by joint patient of arthritis rheumatoid.
According to result of study in Harvard released at 2008 in magazine of Neurology express the existence of relation among RLS, heart sickness and stroke. RLS is disease generating to feel run down excruciatingly (syndromes) at feet exactly its patient moment is sleeping or rest. Research indicate that patient of RLS have risk twofold to hit stroke or heart attack. (From various sources)
5:53 AM | 0 Comments

- Why only at Man? And what that Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer only found at man. Its situation encircle Urethra, channel bringing urine go out from body. Prostate have cells producer of functioning dilution protect and feed cell of sperm. Prostate Gland growing larger below influence of yielded by androgen hormone is testis. This gland will continue to grow reach puberty. Afterward its size measure will be except to fixed man old age. This condition is known as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).
At other condition of prostate cells can grow uncontrollably, referred by condition of cancer. Some risk factor incidence of prostate cancer have succeeded to be identified
- Prostate Cancer very rare happened in age under 40 year but its risk mounts sharply at age above 60 year
- High diet of fat will improve Prostate Cancer risk, whereas rich diet of vegetable and fruit will like watermelon and tomato can degrade it.
- Family history also influences the make-up of Prostate Cancer.
- Can Prostate Cancer cured
Hypodermic therapy of Leuprolide acetate work to depress androgen hormone (hormone required by prostate cancer cells to expand). Giving of hypodermic of Leuprolide acetate each month with dose 3.75 mg can depress activity of prostate cancer equal to 82-89%. READ MORE...
9:39 PM | 0 Comments