Love Without Words
Keeping with the intimacy often say "I Love You" is good, but it is not the only way. According to Scott Haltzman, MD, psychiatrist and author the book The Secrets of Happily Married Men, love can be expressed with the expression of this variety, as quoted Redbook site.Prepare Breakfast Love
Prepare the toast, and the image of the heart smile on bread with jelly. Or make the heart smile garnish with sliced cucumber or tomato in the fried rice, breakfast to your partner. Believe, it will make a pair of love smile to you.
Be Romantic
Place the sheet of paper containing expressions of love written or picture form, the pair pillow. He will leave feeling happy with the bed because the flow of your love.
Care for Him
Prepare a hot water bath or serve a cup of warm tea when the home is on a drizzling night, will make it very comfortable and feel loved still.
Give Appreciation
Many men who complained about the lack of appreciation of what is already done. So, harmless reveal your pride or praise when caring for a husband without the diligent garden, paint the fence itself, or help clean the house.
Message inter communion
Send short messages to be intimate means right now to keep the affection, for example, contains, "I Hear 'You're Beautiful' its James Blunt, so remember you."
Create a hint for
Cheek kiss her husband three times as symbols of the words "I love you" be a faithful wife, the morning. The husband's reply to toot the car three times, each time you want to leave for work. You can make your own creations for intimate love.
Be teaser
According to Scott, cosmetic tool can be used to reveal love. You can put lipstick to create a tattoo, for example, images that seduce arrow below the navel to the bottom direction. Guaranteed, this will make the pair you love. "Remember, man is like a visual," said Scott.
6:42 AM | 0 Comments
Is it true that dreams have meaning???
The dream may not mean anything, but new research found that many people believe dreams contain important truth that is hidden, as is done by Sigmund Freud. Therefore the report that revealed in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, February issue.
"Psychology of experts on the meaning the dream is very diverse," said Carey Morewedge, assistant professor at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. "But our research shows that many people believe, give them a dream-depth view of the meaning of the self and the world," he said.
In six different studies, researchers conducted a survey of almost 1100 people dream about. In one study on the general belief about dreams, Morewedge and co-author Michael Norton, assistant professor at Harvard Business School, conducted a survey to 149 students in the United States, India, and South Korea (South Korea), and interrogate them about the various theories about dreams.
Culture in the third country, the majority of students go on the theory that dreams reveal a hidden truth about themselves and their world, a belief also held by the nationally representative sample the United States, Morewedge.
In another study, Morewedge and colleagues wanted to examine how the dream might affect behavior when people realize. As many as 182 workers who leave the train at the train station prompted Boston imagine that one of the four scenarios that may have occurred on the evening before a scheduled trip to the plane.
"Most people understand that the dream seems impossible to predict the future but that they do not impede the search for meaning in their dreams, whether its normal or weird," he said.
6:31 AM | 0 Comments
Early Menstruation, Menopause Coming Fast
This is not a myth. Menopause is defined as the occurrence of menstruation is not settled after the loss of egg cells usually occur in all women in the age of 50's
But when that time comes earlier, the women need to be careful with the symptoms that come. Period such as this often make women confused, desperate, and the fuss everyone.
Patterns of living such as smoking, often stress, less sleep, often consume fast food meals, spicy and hot food including a hot environment to be triggered more quickly in women during menopause.
Such a pattern of life the higher the performance of the brain. In fact the higher the performance of the brain, such as female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone produced egg cells (primordial follicle) more and more produced.
In the women's overall reproductive average 400 follicle are primordial, which are already at the baby. Egg cell and the new exit after reaching menstruates first. The adult female and a little more egg cells are produced.
Early menstruation period, who came to the child under the age of 12. To prevent the unwanted, it is recommended to parents for each examined the child to the doctor.
If it has been estimated that such deviation occurs in the body of the child. Probable tumor or the like.
In fact, menstruation can not be stopped. All going natural. Therefore, before the parents come menstruation must be physically and mentally prepare the child for them. "It is better before they came menstruation. Provide knowledge about menstruation.
6:00 AM | 0 Comments
Stress can occur in children
Children are still vulnerable because the stress is very dependent on the adults around him and has not been too defense mechanisms have a strong spirit as adults.
Therefore, they need protection from the very adults to environmental pressures that can lead to stress and prevent the development of one's soul.
Opinion that children may not have a problem, so avoid stress is not right. In fact, often it is said, the children even more vulnerable than adults stress.
Stress is the pressure felt by individuals as a manifestation of fear and feeling unsafe. If someone feels threatened, either physical or psychological, such as threatened will be killed, lost their jobs, and left those who loved to go, he will feel anxious and tense. This is the pressure that cause stress.
Stress on the stage that can be reasonably motivate children so that both academic achievement and in other fields such as sports or the arts. However, excessive stress that would negatively impact the lives of children.
Stress in children can be caused by not feeling safe or the emergence of a threatening situation, either from family, school environment, and social environment. From the family environment, for example, children who get a new brother, so all attention shifted from himself to a baby brother, the child is too often guilt ed, and the parents separated in a way that is not good.
From the school environment, for example, the first experience of school is less enjoyable, the curriculum is too dense, the stern teacher, failure in school, homework and moved the pile to a new school. The school's environment, stress can arise due to social unrest that lead to children must participate flee, the situation is not secure, and moved home.
Both parents and teachers need to strive so that children are protected from excessive stress. He said, this is another way to create safe and comfortable atmosphere of psychological, children receive what is, to understand the feelings of children, and try to dialogue effectively with the children. When the child anxious and tense, we strives to be still be quiet so that no child will be involved in responding calmly.
Attitude will make a quiet child is able to disembowel himself honestly, and this will make the problem can be solved well. Give the opportunity for children to express it self more freely and unimpeded, whether it is through dialogue, to listen to complaints a quiet and careful, and through creative works, such as free painting, poetry writing, essay writing, and telling stories.
Show the child the benefits-the benefits of the surplus assets and esteem they have any children so that positive self-concept and optimal growth with full confidence. That all parties, whether parents, teachers and the wider community so that children attempt to avoid excessive stress to take the psychological atmosphere that is safe and convenient for them.
4:43 AM | 0 Comments
Understanding Stress Symptoms
To understand the symptoms of stress, you can simply observing the people, either in the doctors waiting room, at a meeting in the office, in pubs, or at home when the family gathered relative.
According to the book Stress Cheked, the paper Andrew Nichols, often, laughter, excitement, halting speech, the word is not profanity, and fierce debate, is an omen of all stress. Although people do not realize, all of the following also can be a stress sign.
- Cross feet
- Continue to move their feet
- Squeeze, clench your hands or teeth tightly
- Raising the brow and the brow
- The eye depressed
- All play a hand hair, necklace, or button
- Keep up smoking
- Continue to drink the coffee
- Hold mouth chewing
- Keep the food
To recognize your own symptoms of stress, symptoms of stress note that you often see, and compare it with the habit that often you do.
4:32 AM | 0 Comments
Prevent Hypertension, Erectile Dysfunction aside
Men above the age of 40 years are encouraged some cautious interference that can cause health Erectile Dysfunction (DE), especially cardiovascular disease (heart and blood vessel), such as hypertension (high blood), dislipidemia, hiperkolesterolemia.
So far, there is a high prevalence of the condition of interference cardiovascular experienced men with Erectile Dysfunction. Some 64 percent of men reported that DE has at least one or more of the following conditions hypertension, chronic heart disease / angina, high cholesterol, diabetes, and depression.
Increased blood pressure and cholesterol (dislipidemia) in the body will lead to reduction in the size of blood vessel and blood vessel size as a stream of blood to the penis tighten. DE interference can also be an early manifestation of arteriosclerosis (magnification and diminution of blood vessel).
Therefore, to prevent the emergence of the disease cardiovascular save someone from DE. Risk factors, among others, smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and can cause arteriosclerosis (storehouse of fat deposits on the arterial) should be avoided.
Treatment to obtain a normal sexual life back, of course, very important for most people with DE, with both diseases cause, or not. Results of the survey showed, to the men seeking treatment for the DE erection ensure faster and longer. In fact, the overall condition of the body enact a significant function for the sufferer DE.
11:25 PM | 2 Comments
Eat balanced and activity patterns, body is reluctant to expand
In many studies, the only one powerful moment that the body is elastic with no set pattern of activity with healthy eating balanced. Reproduce movement can reduce the pile of fat. Here are some tips so that the body is not elastic.
First, the number of physical activity. For example, do not use too often Elevator. Better if you want to use the stairs to the floor two or three. Also when will the house to relatives or friends house that distance is only a few blocks from home. You can use a bicycle or walk. Similarly when the need or turn off the television. Remote control that can facilitate this activity, but little movement will help to burn body fat loam.
Second, when you select a parlor car, do not force the parlor near the entrance of the destination. Try to park few meters from the place of destination. In this way, you can run.
Third, exercise regularly for 30 minutes per session, with a frequency of 3 times a week. This exercise routine can burn the pile of fat in the body.
Fourth, Arrange with balanced eating pattern. Eat scat hungry start, and stop eating before satiety. Avoid excessive behavior in foods. Remember, any excess calories are stored in the form of fat that potential source of disease.
However, if you can not refrain, just select the fruit. Avoid eating dishes or junk food because this food contains extra fat and calories. Stop the habit snack snacks while watching television or cinema impressions. At the time like that, you will control the amount of calories difficulty entering the body.
Which is also important, the use of drugs that can reduce body weight is sold freely and without a prescription is not always safe. May even cause harmful side effects for the body.
11:07 PM | 0 Comments
Frequence Watch Television Triggering Asthma
LONDON - the UK's latest research shows that routine as much as watching television two hours or more a day can trigger asthma. Twice the risk compared with children who rarely watch television.
Researchers from the University of Glasgow, Andrea Sheriff, and colleagues examine 3000 children from birth until the age of almost 12 years. Parents routinely asked about symptoms of a heavy breath on their children and whether the sentence to a doctor on asthma development.
The researchers are also analyzing how often the children are watching television. "The findings indicate that the current pattern associated with breathing habits ongoing sat on interference lungs and the breath of children," said Sheriff as quoted Reuters.
The study showed that 6 percent of children without asthma symptoms when aged in the first 12 years growing with asthma symptoms. In children who watch television more than two hours a day, symptoms of asthma is found twice.
"The findings enrich the evidence of the lack of movement and excess body weight with increased risk of asthma," said Elaine Vickers of Asthma UK, which was not involved in the study.
Study is the first call-seated habit of sitting still at the very young age with the risk of asthma not long after.
However, the study does not consider factors habits play video games and computers with the reasons for mid-1990's not popularity.
Currently, the disease asthma experienced approximately 300 million people in the world and has become a disease with children, which of them are marked with heavy breath, hard time breathing, and coughing.
Based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO), as much as 30 percent of children in the world with respiratory disease. (REUTERS/1healthyours)
10:59 PM | 0 Comments
Remove Gallstone Naturally
Gallstone disease is still less attention than other heart disease such as chronic viral hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and carcinomas hepatoseluler. When symptoms and complications, gallstone disease also have impact on the cost of health care.
Risk factors the incidence of gallstone prevalence and type of gallstone in Indonesia have a different character in the country with the west. If in the country west of this disease is mainly triggered by the four risk factors, namely female gender, age above 40 years old, high-fat diet, and fertility, in Asia the disease is generally caused by infection of alimentary tract.
Type of stone in the western countries most cholesterol stones, while the research indicates the type of stone is a stone pigment. Symptoms similar to ulcer disease because of soreness in the same area stomach. However, the ulcer disease, pain slowly, become more, and is located in the stomach with spread to the left. While painful gallstone disease in a lost-arise suddenly, and is located in the stomach with spread to the lumbar spine and right.
The gall bladder stones may migrate entrance channel that bile can cause problems due to stoppage of yellow stone. This eventually caused infection channels bile from the mild to serious and even fatal and can be ended with the death. Some patients may also experience complications due to stones in the pancreas that clog it.
Traditional ways
This disease usually do therapy through the operation. For people with gallstone disease, there are the traditional way from China to remove gallstone natural and you can try it out.
Materials needed are fresh apple fruit, the UK salt (Epsom salt, magnesium sulphate), olive oil (olive oil, sesame oil), lemon and fruit or fresh citrus fruit. The tool used was the fruit processor electricity, peck glass, plastic and mosquito net that has been built according to the size of toilet room.
Nutritious apples destroy gallstone. Olive oil works smear gall stones to come out smoothly. Meanwhile, orange or lemon fruit is useful so that you do not vomit when drinking olive oil. So, olive oil and poke orange or lemon to the average.
Once all is ready, peeled apples, peeled the skin of apples because of the many skins that have been coated or wax contaminated pesticides. Then the apples are peeled and cut using a blended fruit processor electricity.
250 cc of juice drink in 1 hour before breakfast, 1 hour before lunch, 1 hour before dinner, and 1 hour before bed (so 4 x 250 cc a day) for 5 consecutive days. During this period, you may eat as usual. In the day-to-6, only juice drink morning and afternoon only, followed by fast, but still can drink mineral water.
In the day-to-6 as well, at 18:00, drink 1 glass of white water that is mixed with one tablespoon salt English. Next, at 20:00 drink 1 glass of white water that is mixed with 1 tablespoon salt English. Finally, at 22:00 drinking «cup olive oil (150 cc) and« cup lemon juice (125 cc), which has stirred evenly. If you do not have fruit processor power, you can consume 4 or 5 apples fresh fruit each day instead of the cider. Stages do the same as outlined above.
After drinking the salt as much as 2 times, you will defecate several times. The next day, remove the water must be filtered with a large mosquito net and then slosh the water. If there is a grain green sand or as large, that is the gallstone out through the dirt. This can come out 3 times from morning until evening.
How treatment is likely to be done several times, according to the condition of each. If you want to know if there are gall stones or had run out, then you should be examined to see a doctor themselves.
Please try.... ;)
3:55 AM | 0 Comments
Snore, harmful to the respiratory
Wrong impression that there is a snore in the community with the same sound sleep. In fact, snoring is a sign of disturbance in the respiratory tract.
Snore difference may be due to anatomy and the network software channel bone breath, including soft palate, large tongue, and the stoppage of the nose. Vibration soft palate mouth cavity is 80% of people snore. Other factors are the causes of excess body weight, consume alcohol, which caused the stoppage of the way the breath, and smoking.
Snore may lead to stoppage of breath during sleep or with sleep apnea is called. Stoppage of breath this situation occurred because the time to sleep musculature of the back of the tongue and surrounding areas to become too "relax" so that the move to the back and close the respiratory tract.
Stoppage of breath can take dozens of times in one hour. Even in extreme cases, breathing interruption may take up to 3 minutes. This does not cause sleep quality. Wake up sleeping instead of fresh, supple and even-headed as Feed the oxygen into the body is not smooth.
This can result in very bad, from the slumber in the afternoon, headache in the morning, easy-tempered, aggressive, anxious, tired, remember the power and decreased intellectual ability, sexual problems, depression, hypertension, and heart disease to trigger stroke.
Overcoming efforts
To overcome the problem of snoring and breathing stoppage during sleep can start with stop smoking, sports regularly, set the pattern of eating a healthy, clean nostril, avoid alcoholic beverages, do not sleep supine, raise the position of the head and neck, try wearing neck shackle , the tongue brace, and use the mask CPAP (Continuous Positive Air Pressure).
CPAP mask function generate positive air pressure at the patient bed. With the occurrence of symptoms that can not breathe avoided. This mask should be used every night, painful, and not very comfortable. Currently, some countries apply the procedure implant pillar to overcome snore.
Procedure therapy implant pillar operation is lightweight, simple, relatively no pain, safe but very effective. Method approved by the Food and Drugs License from the United States (FDA) this can reduce the snoring to 80%, prevent the stoppage of breath and a breath stoppage channel.
Implant pillar can be done with a one-time visits to the doctor, and not the length up to one hour. Three implant (such as discount toothpick) about 3 cm long, made of polyester tephanat, pasted on the back of the soft palate oral cavity. Its function is to sustain soft palate oral cavity, reducing vibration network software mouth cavity and throat, so that the snoring is reduced and the channel stoppage of breath.
Recovery time required is very short and does not disrupt the activity swallow and speak. Implant pillar of the operation was conducted once a lifetime ;)
3:26 AM | 0 Comments