Feb 1, 2009 - 1healthyours.blogspot.com

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Besides to prevent various disease of infection like Tuberculosis, Tetanus, Folio, Difteri and others, nowadays doctor world also progressively go forward found of vaccine to virus cause of cancer. The vaccines is vaccine to virus of hepatitis to prevent Liver Cancer, and also vaccine to virus of HPV (Human Papilom Virus) to prevent gracious cancer (cervix).

Vaccination for cancer is preventive action, is not medication. Medication for cancer alone can be done by operation or lifting of cancer cell, radiation or irradiating of cancer use radioactive ray, and also laboring chemotherapy by attacking body network which grow swiftly like cancer network. One of the side effects of chemotherapy which enough feel concerned about at most women of course cause hair mould. But, in fact side effects feeling concerned about this only whereas. Hair will grow again when chemotherapy prose finish, even usually grow more fertile from previously.

By giving vaccine of HPV can less risk hit by cervical cancers till 70%. From existing data, cervical cancers represent cancer type many in Nations expand. Virus of HPV able to cause cervical cancers earn contagious pass sexual relation of couple having virus of HPV.

For the men of, virus of HPV do not show symptom and do not have an in with its health. However other the things of virus of HPV descend upon woman body and finally have potency to generate cervical cancers. Cancer infection of cervix will be more easy to attack at woman which start to do sexual at adolescent age, often change sexual couple, smoker and have body endurance which is in.


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