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Many people believe that influenza is disease which is equal to coughing and ordinary head cold and relative is not dangerous. This big wrong concept, every year millions of people in all the world influenza virus infection, causing thousands of people die its effect of him and definitive millions of your office hours lose.

Influenza is disease of catching virus which very which disseminate swiftly particle spit very small of our moment sneeze, conversing and or cough. One episode disease of flu can cause the at least him five day for the rest of two week and to a period to healing. Some patient of Influenza can experience of complication which have potency to menace head nymph of pneumonia.
Symptom disease of influenza is coughing, headache, fever, muscle pain in bone and remarkable fatigue. As comparison, cough and contagious head cold by and possible have is same symptom, but this disease represent lighter respiration infection, its symptom do not heavily and do not as dangerous as disease of influenza. Medication of influenza do not always gratify, antibiotic is not effective fight against virus though can assist in infection and medication of seconder of flu. Way of best possible by vaccination. Proven to Vaccination several times degrade incident of flu or at least lessen degree of its symptom. Vaccination Influenza remain to be method operation of most effective flu. WHO very is recommending of usage of vaccine as effective method of prevention some disease representing disease of have fatal potency to. Proven correct vaccine 70 - 90% effective prevent disease at healthy individual, clipping the expense of medication and surely it’s lessen absence your work.

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