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Congratulation gets acquainted with Superbly Food able to protect you from various disease attacks.

Rich of mineral of iron, zinc, vitamin and potassium E. Cereal owning value of GI (Glicemyc Index) low this is very high fiber and lower natrium ( salt). In consequence suited for degrading cholesterol, especially rate of LDL alias virulent cholesterol.
Oats digested slowly, so that can maintain to feel fully filled at the same time control blood sugar rate in order not to leap by drastic. Its content of very low him and very brotherly to digestive health because containing pro biotic which personage bacterium either in in intestine so that prevent constipate, diarrhea, intestine trouble and of hemorrhoid.

Of vital importance to digestion and absorption of other vitamin, useful for the process of liver and kidney, releasing garbage from within body. Water not containing chemical vitamin and additives, in consequence very suggested to drink water counted 8 glass every day. Dehydration (lacking of water) will coagulate your blood, which cause heart and body strive harder and will improve blood pressure, making brain less active, degrading and concentration of energy body. Dehydration also causes headache, dry husk, fatigue, dry eye and mouth, stomach cramps and muscle, and also instability bounce and physical.

Not only containing protein, high quality mineral and vitamin, oily fish like Salmon is best source of fat acid of omega-3. Sour of fat of omega-3 have many benefit to health of heart, metabolism, and brain. Fish of Salmon, and sardine of mackerel rich of fat acid of omega-3 very suggested to be consumed 2-3 times a week.

Yogurt have bacterium content live the so-called pro biotic. this Good bacterium will pursue growth of virulent bacterium, assisting metabolism and digestion of food. Yogurt also very easy permeated by body. Besides is rich of calcium and of protein, so that can be used as alternative substitution of milk to patient of lactose intolerance which cannot digest lactose in milk.

Fruits Type Berry
Fruit Type gives like Strawberry, Blueberry and of Raspberry have content of antioxidants in number more compared to other fruits, consisting of antosianin, and polifenol of carotene. Antioxidant can prevent damage of cell effect of free radical attack, protecting against heart sickness, cancer, radiations and pollution. This rich fruits also of fiber, sour of folat, vitamin of C and E.

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