Stress can occur in children -

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Stress can occur in children

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Children are still vulnerable because the stress is very dependent on the adults around him and has not been too defense mechanisms have a strong spirit as adults.

Therefore, they need protection from the very adults to environmental pressures that can lead to stress and prevent the development of one's soul.

Opinion that children may not have a problem, so avoid stress is not right. In fact, often it is said, the children even more vulnerable than adults stress.

Stress is the pressure felt by individuals as a manifestation of fear and feeling unsafe. If someone feels threatened, either physical or psychological, such as threatened will be killed, lost their jobs, and left those who loved to go, he will feel anxious and tense. This is the pressure that cause stress.

Stress on the stage that can be reasonably motivate children so that both academic achievement and in other fields such as sports or the arts. However, excessive stress that would negatively impact the lives of children.

Stress in children can be caused by not feeling safe or the emergence of a threatening situation, either from family, school environment, and social environment. From the family environment, for example, children who get a new brother, so all attention shifted from himself to a baby brother, the child is too often guilt ed, and the parents separated in a way that is not good.

From the school environment, for example, the first experience of school is less enjoyable, the curriculum is too dense, the stern teacher, failure in school, homework and moved the pile to a new school. The school's environment, stress can arise due to social unrest that lead to children must participate flee, the situation is not secure, and moved home.

Both parents and teachers need to strive so that children are protected from excessive stress. He said, this is another way to create safe and comfortable atmosphere of psychological, children receive what is, to understand the feelings of children, and try to dialogue effectively with the children. When the child anxious and tense, we strives to be still be quiet so that no child will be involved in responding calmly.

Attitude will make a quiet child is able to disembowel himself honestly, and this will make the problem can be solved well. Give the opportunity for children to express it self more freely and unimpeded, whether it is through dialogue, to listen to complaints a quiet and careful, and through creative works, such as free painting, poetry writing, essay writing, and telling stories.

Show the child the benefits-the benefits of the surplus assets and esteem they have any children so that positive self-concept and optimal growth with full confidence. That all parties, whether parents, teachers and the wider community so that children attempt to avoid excessive stress to take the psychological atmosphere that is safe and convenient for them.

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