Problem of Infertility at woman and its solution -

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Problem of Infertility at woman and its solution

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Infertility at woman sometimes give the heavy problem of social for her. Problem of infertility at woman sometime make herself excommunicated by family, even can accept inequitable treatment to herself, like divorced.

One of the trouble of system reproduction causing infertility is Endometriosis, estimated in this time 5-10% woman around the world hit by endometriosis, 20-50% among others found at woman of infertility.

What is Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is trouble at system reproduce where membrane network of lender gracious grow outside gracious cavity for example at ovaries channel and ovary or other organ. Symptom of Endometriosis which most commonly is coitus moment pain in bone, menstrual and waist pain in bone under increasing excitement especially at menstruate moment. The symptom happened repeatedly. Other symptom is queasy, and puking of infertility. Existence of endometriosis have to be thought of in each natural fertile age woman of hip pain in bone, especially at previous woman have never experienced of moment pain in bone at menstruate.

How Endometriosis cause Infertility’? And medication how to its?

Endometriosis cause infertility with corking ovaries channel because gracious membrane network growing outside womb, so that impregnation do not happened
Endometriosis needs estrogen hormone to grow, so that handling in general is by depressing estrogen hormone by therapy of endometriosis cover therapy operate on and usage of pregnant drug of Leuprolide Acetate.

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