Wish slender? Munch the food slowly. - 1healthyours.blogspot.com

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Wish slender? Munch the food slowly.

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Yesterday I have experience coughs moment eat in a hurry, really inconvenience experience. In the reality habit eat quickly and in a hurry become one of factor cause of body overweight. That way according to research of University of Osaka which is publicized in British Medical Journal.

Researcher in country of Sakura that perceive habit eat about 3000 people (how yes see people so much munch food, sure tire). In the reality from that amount, 84% people would experience of body overweight, and amount him is woman have 2 times fold. Even, they who eat fully filled until in the reality 3 bigger time its possibility experience of body overweight.

According To Prof. Ian Mcdonald of University of Nottingham tell to eat untimely will destroy signal system to inform brain desisting to eat because content bounce up too full of, though process to digest unfinished food.

Hence to prevent to fatness I munch food slowly, isn't it true that that way we also feel more easy going. So also with children to be given Lessons of eating slowly. Hopefully good for ;)

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